Re: i386 kernel not included?

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Man, my typing sucked in that last one...

Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Thomas Dodd wrote:
>>Except a i586 kerenl is horrribly slow on a K6.
> I've never done an in depth comparison, but I wouldn't consider 
> it to be all that bad.  The K6 should reorder things internally I 
> would presume anyway to be more optimal.  Have you done any 

Not sure there. The instruction mix from the compiler should
be different, causing problems for the schedulers.

> benchmarking?  I used to use home brew K6 kernels, but then 
> switched to stock kernels not long after starting at Red Hat.  QA 
> testing became more important to me.  ;o)

No idea what to bench with. The whole problkem with benckmarking
is timing the right things and figuring out what it means :)

>>So owners of a true Pentium would probably benifit from
>>a -mcpu=i586 version of glibc.

Since it would give a more optimum instruction mix.

>>My understanding is that the i586 scheduler (compiler) creates
>>code that only runs well on an actuall *ntel Pentium. Not a K5,
>>K6, or Cyrix. Not a i686 (PPRo, PII, or PIII), not a Pentium w/
> That is a reasonable assumption.  Note however that newer CPU's 
> internally reorder instruction execution to be more optimal at 
> runtime.

When the PII and K6-2 came out, I remember the optimization
guide saying that the new CPUs ran i386 optimized code faster
than pentium optimized code, and to not use the pentium
guidelines anymore.

> There is no question at all, that providing a kernel customized 
> for every single CPU brand/model would be most optimal for that 
> particular CPU brand/model.  That isn't however remotely 

Didn't mean that ;)

But if most pre i686 CPUS (pre PPro/PII/Athlon) run the i386 code
mix faster than the pentium mix, why not supply the i386 mix.
I woul thing there are more 486s, P/MMX, K5, K6, and Cyrix CPUs
still in use than Pentiums (pre MMX).

> An athlon glibc would be nice to test.  Not sure if it would 
> provide noticeable difference or not as I'm not sure if gcc 
> takes advantage of anything new in the athlon instruction set or 
> not.  Athlon optimized string operations would be nice, but I 
> don't think gcc takes advantage of anything that useful on athlon 
> yet.  It'd be very cool though to have if one of the compiler 
> guys could provide info about gcc's athlon optimizations, and if 
> someone would implement useful tidbits if it hasn't been done 
> already.
> If anyone experiments with a glibc rebuild, be sure to do some 
> before and after benchmarking with useful tests and post back to 
> the list.
> I'd give it a crack myself, but I don't have an Athlon handy to 
> muck around with.  ;o/

I'd do it, but I havent a clue how to build glibc that way, or
how to test the results.


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