I've seen a few answers around here that point to a hostname issue with the xserver.
If you changed your hostname (i.e. your prompt doesn't say john@localhost:> -- if you're a john ofcourse) then you need to add the new hostname to your alias in the /etc/hosts file.
Say you changed your machines name to 'RedHat8Machine1' the line in the hosts file would have to be localhost localhost.localdomain RedHat8Machine1
Hope that helps,
>Message: 7
>From: "Mike Chambers" <mike@netlyncs.com>
>To: <psyche-list@redhat.com>
>Subject: Re: Slow GUI Performance
>Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 22:32:03 -0500
>Reply-To: psyche-list@redhat.com
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jonathan Savage" <jonathansavage@earthlink.net>
>To: <psyche-list@redhat.com>
>Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:54 PM
>Subject: Slow GUI Performance
>> The desktop performance is really, really slow.
>> That was not the case in RH 7.2. I did a clean install and wonder if there
>> a tweak I need to do to get things running more quickly.
>Try editing /etc/sysconfig/harddisks and uncomment everything in it then
>reboot. See if that helps. But remember, Gnome/KDE and whatever else X
>related has been improved upon and such, and *may* be a little bigger then
>before, therefore needed a little bit more power for them to operate at a
>nice speed. YMMV though I guess *shrug*.