wrote: > ... > Next, and perhaps a bit off topic, jim <> posted to > valhalla-list that he likes to start and stop services by modfiying the > appropriate S/K prefix on the link in the rc directory, a practice > that I have > done for several years, since this allows me to do something like: > > # mv /etc/rc3.d/S90canna /etc/rc3.d/K90canna.i.did.this > > in case I ever wanted to reset my services to the default level. Aaron > <> responded "iNo,No,No. You stop things from > running by > running chkconfig". Directed to Aaron and others with an opinion, why use > chkconfig (or any tool for that matter), when the other method works > just as > well? Unless I am missing something about how RH tracks its services > modifying the link is not going to break anything and in my opinion, > it makes > tracking changes _much_ easier. How is 'ls /etc/rc?.d/' easier than 'chkconfig --list'? How is 'mv /etc/rc3.d/S90canna /etc/rc3.d/K90canna.i.did.this' easier than 'chkconfig --level 3 canna off'? Red Hat provide a tool for managing startup and shutdown scripts. That is far easier than manually manipulating files, IMO. Paul