How turn off antialiasing? Gnome problem?

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How can I turn off font anti-aliasing and get a display like I had
before I installed the XFT version of Mozilla/Galeon?

I know a lot of people are enthusiastic about font anti-aliasing but
when I installed galeon-1.3.0, I discovered that I definitely was not
one of them.  Even though I'm using TrueType fonts (MS Georgia), the New
York Times web page was far less readable on my Redhat 8.0 laptop than
it was with galeon 1.2.1.  The fonts were smeary and blocky -- for
example, the top part of the the letter 'e' was nearly
filled in.

To make sure I wasn't crazy, I booted up Windows 2000 -- which also does
anti-aliasing -- and compared; anti-aliasing does look good on Win2K. 
But not on Linux.  Then I had my labmates take a look.  They also
thought that the screen was hard to read with font anti-aliasing turned

I tried turning anti-aliasing off on the XFT level by following the
advice on:

This did turn off the smeariness but left chunks of letters missing.  I
also tried every combination of anti-aliasing on the Redhat fonts prefs
menu.  The best results were with subpixel smoothing, full hinting, and
RGB order. No luck.

Is this a problem with Gnome?  When I installed the latest XFT version
of Lyx, the Latex word processor, it had exactly the same blurriness
problem as galeon.  However, it is compiled with qt, so I was able to
turn off anti-aliasing with qtconfig (by unclicking the "Enable
Anti-Aliased Font Support (XFT)" button).  When I did this, the Lyx
screen was restored to its original readability.

I can't find a "turn off anti-aliasing button" in Gnome.  Is there one? 
Can I make the latest Galeon readable again?



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