Redhat 8 and DRM

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Hello all,

I have a couple of questions concerning the correct way to get DRM
working in Redhat 8.  My motivation for doing this is to correctly set
up my All In Wonder Radeon for TV in/out and recording.  I am also a
subscriber to the Gatos list and have made some success so far but it
has been haphazard at best and I would really like to know the correct
way in getting DRM working in Redhat 8.

Here is what I have done so far.  I have compiled and installed the
Gatos kernel DRM and ATI.2 drivers and got TV in working with xawtv.  I
have got ALSA compiled and installed.  I actually think I did have
everything installed correctly (aside from no gears being displayed) but
I then upgraded to XFree snapshot version along with the
corresponding ATI binaries and this locked up my version of X.  I then
reinstalled Redhat to start fresh when XFree version 4.3 is released
later this week.  So I am now back to configuring my kernel to get DRM

I was reading the thread on "Kernel DRM woes".  Before, when I got TV-IN
working I was not using the Redhat kernel I was using kernel 2.4.20 from  The strange thing was that even though I could watch TV
and play DVDs with Xine when I ran GLXGEARS I would not see any gears
being displayed only the FPS readout which was 987 FPS.  There were no
errors in my XFree log but there were Informational (II) warnings-the
ones that are present right after a fresh install of Redhat and they
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenDevice: Open failed

However, I would get the line that read 

(II) RADEON(0): [drm] loaded kernel module for "radeon" driver

So the DRM kernel was being loaded.  

A couple of other things I should mention is that I was using XFree 4.2
compiled and installed from source and the ATI.2 version 4.2 drivers.  I
also had to create the directory DRM under
/lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/char/drm. and then copy the radeon.o
to this location.

In the kernel I had "Build 4.0 DRI Drivers" and then tried Build 4.1. 
With 4.0 I could see Gears in GLXGEARS but my FPS were 157 FPS and "DRI
NOT LOADED" message in my XFree log.  With 4.1 I had no gears but my FPS
were 987 FPS.  I eventually turned both of these off in the kernel and
loaded the ATI DRM module manually but I still had no gears displayed
but 987 FPS.

There is something really strange going on with DRM in Redhat.  I have
no intention of using any other version of Linux and will keep trying
with Redhat 8.  I would eventually like to write an updated Redhat
specific ATI All In Wonder Radeon FAQ/tutorial but I have a lot of work
ahead.  What I need help with is the specifics on correctly setting up
DRM in Redhat 8.  What I have done correct so far and what I have done

If I would have seen gears in GLXGEARS with 987 FPS I would have figured
that I set everything up correctly but there was the no gears issue but
also CPU usage.  After I got TV-IN to work I watched TV for a while with
no sound and looked at the CPU usage.  Everything was fine, low CPU
usage, after installing ALSA and watching TV I noticed that my CPU usage
was at 100% constantly.  I'm not sure if this was because I did not set
up ALSA correctly or if it was due to the original DRM issue but it was
worth noting.

Sorry for the book of a post but I am trying to figure this out.  I
appreciate any help and suggestions you can provide.  Thanks

Eric Esterle

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