fc-list and aliases (fontconfig)

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I use Red Hat 8.0 at home and I am very pleased with it. I compiled
Mozilla with xft support and I am very impressed by the result but I
have also a lot of trouble with fontconfig. 

It seems that I can now see every font installed with fc-list which is
great but mozilla doesn't see all of what can be seen in
gnome-font-properties. I suppose it is a mozilla-related problem but if
you know any way I can determine what's wrong, I would appreciate.

One big problem I have and it was not solved by reading the manual of
fontconfig is related to aliased names for the fonts. No Times is usable
anymore (no scalable fonts called by that name on my system) but I
learned on a Microsoft page (how ironical) that Nimbus Roman No9 L is in
fact called Times in the Postscript world. I would like my system to
respond to both names with the same font. So I made an alias in the
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf :

  Alias fonts that don't come right in www.codestyle.org
      <family>Charter BT</family>
      <accept><family>Bitstream Charter</family></accept>

here is what I found in the cascading stylesheet used at codestyle.org
  font-family:      "Charter BT";

and when I ask fc-list, here is what it tells me:

[jan@paris htdocs]$ fc-list "Charter BT"

[jan@paris htdocs]$ fc-list|grep Charter
Bitstream Charter:style=Bold Italic
Bitstream Charter:style=Regular
Bitstream Charter:style=Italic
Bitstream Charter:style=Bold

So the problem I face is : what fc-list is supposed to do ? bypass
aliases and speak only about the real names ? And if it is the case,
what tool can I use to see if my aliases are right and why does Mozilla
not capable of doing the match. If not, why is the result not
corresponding to what I expect ?

Finally, if there is a way to change the name of the font, I would like
to know it because it seems that anyway, no one would be upset with
Bitstream Charter being called Charter BT on my system.

Thank you.

François Jan <francois.jan@m4x.org>
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