how to install Rawhide?

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Kevin, thanks very much for your feedback.  Actually I'm only really 
interested in installing the KDE 3.0 beta packages, and I had already tried 
to install just them, but ran into a number of dependency issues as you 
mention in your message.  So I thought that perhaps I was taking the wrong 
approach and that there was some way to cleanly install all of Rawhide at 
once.  Your message suggests that I'll be better off just trying to install 
the packages I want, fighting through the dependency issues by downloading 
and/or rebuilding extra packages as necessary - so I'll do that.  Thanks!


On Wednesday 06 February 2002 12:37 am, you wrote:
> --- Adam Dingle <> wrote:
> > I discovered Red Hat's Rawhide FTP directory
> > ( not
> > long ago, and I've
> > successfully grabbed a few packages from it and
> > installed them on top of my
> > Red Hat 7.2 installation.  OK, so now I've decided
> > I'm ready to head further
> > out onto the bleeding edge - I'd like to install
> > Rawhide in its entirety.
> If you *REALLY* want to install rawhide in it's
> entirety, you can just upgrade all of your packages
> using the -Uvv --force --nodeps flags to rpm. That
> most likely won't get you very far, unless you write a
> small script to "pick out" the rpms that you already
> have installed. I wouldn't recommend installing any of
> these packages unless you are ready to have a
> completely broken machine (in case you haven't read
> the docs, you get to own _ALL_ the pieces that are
> left when you are done) Most of the packages that are
> introduced in Rawhide aren't for public consumption.
> They either have a ton of dependency issues that you
> can't solve unless you have or are willing to build
> the packages that solve them, OR they are just plain
> broken, or they break other things.
>      SO, if you STILL want to install Rawhide, and you
> are SURE you know what you are doing, then the fastest
> way is to upgrade the packages by hand and learn as
> you go along. Don't blame us when your machine starts
> "rolling" though. <G>
> =====
> Kevin C. McConnell --RHCE-- <RedHat Certified Engineer>
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