Got it, thanks. I hopefully, should, have all my disks bootable... but
better safe than sorry.
On 6/24/2022 3:00 PM, Wol wrote:
On 24/06/2022 21:23, Alexander Shenkin wrote:
Smart, thanks Wol. I'm good on the UUIDs. Not sure what you mean by
'device 1' though?
Sata port 1. /dev/sda.
So your boot device is currently in physical connector 1 on the mobo. If
you move it across, you need to make sure it stays in physical position
1, otherwise the mobo will try to boot off whatever disk is in position
1, and there won't be a boot system to boot off!
Remember, uuids rely on linux being running. But linux can't run until
AFTER the boot code has run, so the boot code knows nothing about uuids
and relies on physical locations. Cart before horse, catch-22, all that
palaver you know :-)