I've found an SATA to USB adapter. Currently, i'm replacing properly one disk at time, to a bigger one, by converting the 2-way raid1 to a 3way raid1 Seems to work properly, raid is rebuilding with no issue, but kernel is complaining something: bio too big device md4 (248 > 240) should I be worried about this ? Tomorrow i'll remove the USB adapter, remove 2 of the old disks, put the new disk directly in the sata slot and add a new sata disk. Il giorno dom 5 mag 2019 alle ore 15:52 Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto: > > > unfortunately I can't change the server. I have tons of custom, > > closed-source software > > that won't run on newer hardware, that's why i have to use the current one. > > > > Yes, i'm planning a replacement, but is not something quick to do, > > i'll need many month > > redeveloping, in-house, the current closed-source software. Until > > that, I have to keep the > > data safe. > > > > technically I can use a new hardware, but I can't upgrade the > > operating system (a very old slackware, > > if I remember properly) or these closed-source software wont run anymore > > > > maybe the faster solution would be to add a cheap (which one?) HBA > > controller that supports more than 4 SATA disks, > > move all disks to this new controller and then convert, one by one, > > each 2way mirror to a 3way mirror: > > I'd suggest you get a new and fancy machine with good, large drives and a lot of memory. Use two smallish drives for the root and the rest for the data in whatever RAID leve you prefer. Then setup kvm on top and create a new, empty virtual machine onto which you rsync the old machine with everything there. If it's an old slackware, chances are it's running lilo and not grub. This should also be doable, although perhaps some issues with virt-manager (the gui from which you can manage the VMs). This is what I've done with old, outdated machines to keep them safe until they eventually die or are replaced by something new. > > Vennlig hilsen > > roy > -- > Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk > (+47) 98013356 > http://blogg.karlsbakk.net/ > GPG Public key: http://karlsbakk.net/roysigurdkarlsbakk.pubkey.txt > -- > Hið góða skaltu í stein höggva, hið illa í snjó rita.