On 01/06/16 13:23, Edward Kuns wrote:
I do daily short SMART tests, weekly long SMART tests and monthly "check"
scrubs of the RAID(s). I'm not saying it's best practice, but I've had
several drives turn up SMART failures and managed to address those before it
became an issue on any of the arrays.
As far as SMART, I'm running with the default Fedora behavior in that
area. I don't believe it does any automatic tests, unless the default
logwatch behavior does SMART tests. I'll add this to my "todo" list.
I just add this into smartd.conf on every machine I have (all Debian
based systems). Make sure it's the first DEVICESCAN line as all lines
after this are ignored.
Mail to brad, short tests every day at 2am and long tests at 4am on a
DEVICESCAN -m brad -s (L/../../7/04|S/../.././02) -M exec
By default I've never had any system schedule smart tests.
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