More data - I cleared the log for the adapter and let it run overnight.
Although the missing flag came back the logs have no entries and I have
logging set to show all errors.
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
Some troubleshooting and checking logs shows that I have errors that say
"Selection timeout". Each of the six drives has these errors. Does this
mean the controller has a problem, do the drivers - although I find it hard
to beleive all the drives are bad. How do I fix this?
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
I'm running a Linux system with a Adaptec 3210S controller. Right now the
system has nothing on it and I have not created any RAID. I've notice
that when I boot into the Adaptec CD and watch the drives they keep
getting flagged as missing. If I do a "Read system config" the drives
show up and the flag goes away. A few minutes later they are flagged as
missing again. This is a little discouraging as it appears I have a
problem. Any ideas on what is happening - why do my drives keep getting
flagged as missing? I need to find out before I install Linux!
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