Neil Brown <neilb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Tuesday January 4, ptb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > > > Then the probability of an error occuring UNdetected on a n-disk raid > > > > array is > > > > > > > > (n-1)p + np' > > > > > > > > > The probability of an event occurring lies between 0 and 1 inclusive. > > > You have given a formula for a probability which could clearly evaluate > > > to a number greater than 1. So it must be wrong. > > > > The hypothesis here is that p is vanishingly small. I.e. this is a Poisson > > distribution - the analysis assumes that only one event can occcur per > > unit time. Take the unit too be one second if you like. Does that make > > it true enough for you? > > Sorry, I didn't see any such hypothesis stated and I don't like to > assUme. You don't have to. It is conventional. It doesn't need saying. > So what you are really saying is that: > for sufficiently small p and p' (i.e. p-squared terms can be ignored) > the probability of an error occurring undetected approximates > (n-1)p + np' > > this may be true, but I'm still having trouble understanding what your > p and p' really mean. Examine your conscience. They're dependent on you. All I say is that they exist. They represent two different classes of error, one detectible by whatever thing like fsck you run as an "experiment", and one not. But you are right in that I have been sloppy about defining what I mean. For one thing I have mixed probailities "per unit time" and multiplied them by probabilities associated with a single observation (your experiment with fsck or whatever) made at a certain moment. I do that because I know that it would make no difference if I integrated up the the instantaneous probabilities and then multiplied. Thus if you want to be more formal, you want to stick some integral signs in and get (n-1) /p dt + n /p' dt. Or if you wanted to calculate in terms of mean times to a detected event, well, you'd modify that again. But the principle remains the same: the probability of a single undetectible error rises in proportion to the number of disks n, and the probability of a detectible error going undetected rises in proportion to n-1, because your experiment to detect the error will only test one of the possible disks at the crucial point. > > I mean an error occurs that can be detected (by the experiment you run, > > which is prsumably an fsck, but I don't presume to dictate to you). > > > > The whole point of RAID is that fsck should NEVER see any error caused > by drive failure. Then I guess you have helped clarify to yourself what type of errors falls in which class! Apparently errors caused by drive failure fall in the class of "indetectible error" for you! But in any case, you are wrong, because it is quite possible for an error to spontaneously arise on a disk which WOULD be detected by fsck. What does fsck detect normally if it is not that! > I think we have a major communication failure here, because I have no > idea what sort of failure scenario you are imagining. I am not imagining. It is up to you. > > Likewise, I don't know. It's whatever error your experiment > > (presumably an fsck) will miss. > > But 'fsck's primary purpose is not to detect errors on the disk. Of course it is (it does not mix and make cakes - it precisely and exactly detects errors on the disk it is run on, and repairs the filesystem to either work around those errors, or repairs the errors themselves). > It is > to repair a filesystem after an unclean shutdown. Those are "errors on the disk". It is of no interest to fsck how they are caused. Fsck simply has a certain capacity for detecting anomalies (and fixing them). If you have a better test than fsck, by all means run it! > It can help out a > bit after disk corruption, but usually disk corruption (apart from > very minimal problems) causes fsck to fail to do anything useful. I would have naively said you were right simply by the real estate argument - fsck checks only metadata, and metadata occupies abut 1% of the disk real estate only. Nevertheless experience suggests that it is very good at detecting when strange _physical_ things have happened on the disk - I presume that is because physical strangenesses affect a block or two at a time, and are much more likely than a bit error to hit some metadata amongst that. Certainly single bit errors occur relatively undetected by fsck (in conformity with the real estate argument), as I know because I check the md5sums of all files on all machines daily, and they change spontaneously without human intervention :). In readonly areas! (the rate is probably about 1 bit per disk per three months, on average, but I'd have to check that to see if my estimate from memory is accurate). Fsck never finds those. But I do. Shrug - so our definitions of detectible and undetectible error are different. > > They happen all the time - just write a 1 to disk A and a zero to disk > > B in the middle of the data in some file, and you will have an > > undetectible error (vis a vis your experimental observation, which is > > presumably an fsck). > > But this doesn't happen. You *don't* write 1 to disk A and 0 to disk > B. Then write a 1 to disk A and DON'T write a 1 to disk B, but do it over a patch where there is a 0 already. There is no need for you to make such hard going of this! Invent your own examples, please. > I admit that this can actually happen occasionally (but certainly not It happens EVERY time I choose to do it. Or a software agent of my choice decides to do it :). I decide to do it with probability p' (;-). Call me Murphy. Or Maxwell. > "all the time"). But when it does, there will be subsequent writes to > both A and B with new, correct, data. During the intervening time There may or there may not - but if I wish it there will not. I don't see why you have such trouble! > that block will not be read from A or B. You are imagining some particular mechanism that I, and I presume the rest of us, are not. I think you are thinking of raid and how it works. Please clean your thoughts of it .. this part of the argument has nothing particularly to do with raid or any implementation of it. It is more generic than that. It is simply the probability of something going "wrong" on n disks and the question of whether you can detect that wrongness with some particular test of yours (and HERE is where raid is slightly involved) that only reads from one of the n disks for each block that it does read. > If there is a system crash before correct, consistent data is written, Exactly. > then on restart, disk B will not be read at all until disk A as been Why do you think so? I know of no mechanism in RAID that records to which of the two disks paired data has been written and to which it has not! Please clarify - this is important. If you are thinking of the "event count" that is stamped on the superblocks, that is only updated from time to time as far as I know! Can you please specify (for my curiousity) exactly when it is updated? That would be useful to know. > completely copied on it. > > So again, I fail to see your failure scenario. Try harder! Neil, there is no need for you to make such hard going of it! If you like, pay a co-worker to put a 1 on one disk and a 0 on another, and see if you can detect it! Errors arise spontaneously on disks, and and then there are errors caused by being written by overheated cpus which write a 1 where they meant a 0, just before dying, and then there are errors caused by stuck bits in RAM, and so on. And THEN there are errors caused by wrting ONE of a pair of paired writes to a mirror pair, just before the system crashes. It is not hard to think of such things. > > > or high level software error (i.e. the wrong data was written - and > > > that doesn't really count). > > > > It counts just fine, since it's what does happen :- consider a system > > crash that happens AFTER one of a pair of writes to the two disk > > components has completed, but BEFORE the second has completed. Then on > > reboot your experiment (an fsck) has the task of finding the error > > (which exists at least as a discrepency between the two disks), if it > > can, and shouting at you about it. > > No. RAID will not let you see that discrepancy Of course it won't - that's the point. Raid won't even know it's there! > and will not let the > discrepancy last any longer that it takes to read on drive and write > the other. WHICH drive does it read and which does it write? It ha no way of knowing which, does it? > Maybe I'm beginning to understand your failure scenario. > It involves different data being written to the drives. Correct? That is one possible way, sure. But the error on the drive can also change spontaneously! Look, here are some outputs from the daily md5sum run on a group of identical machines: /etc/X11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook: (7) b4262c2eea5fa82d4092f63d6163ead5 : lm003 lm005 lm006 lm007 lm008 lm009 lm010 /etc/X11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook: (1) 36e47f9e6cde8bc120136a06177c2923 : lm011 That file on one of them mutated overnight. > That only happens if: > 1/ there is a software error > 2/ there is an admin error And if there is a hardware error. Hardware can do what it likes. Anyway, I don't care HOW. > You seem to be saying that if this happens, then raid is less reliable > than non-raid. No, I am saying nothing of the kind. I am simply pointing at the probabilities. > There may be some truth in this, but it is irrelevant. > The likelyhood of such a software error or admin error happening on a > well-managed machine is substantially less than the likelyhood of a > drive media error, and raid will protect from drive media errors. No it won't! I don't know why you say this either - oh, your definition of "error" must be "when the drive returns a failure for a sector or block read". Sorry, I don't mean anything so specific. I mean anything at all that might be considered an error, such as the mutating bits in the daily check shown above. > So using raid might reduce reliability in a tiny number of cases, but > will increase it substantially in a vastly greater number of cases. Look at the probabilities, nothing else. Peter - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at