I've got a an LVM cobbled together of 2 RAID-5 md's. For the longest time I was running with 3 promise cards and surviving everything including the occasional drive failure, then suddenly I had double drive dropouts and the array would go into a degraded state.
10 drives in the system, Linux 2.4.22, Slackware 9, mdadm v1.2.0 (13 mar 2003)
I started to diagnose; fdisk -l /dev/hdi returned nothing for the two failed drives, but "dmesg" reports that the drives are happy, and that the md would have been automounted if not for a mismatch on the event counters (of the 2 failed drives).
I assumed that this had something to do with my semi-nonstandard application of a zillion (3) promise cards in 1 system, but I never had this problem before. I ripped out the promise cards and stuck in 3ware 5700s, cleaning it up a bit and also putting a single drive per ATA channel. Two weeks later, the same problem crops up again.
The "problematic" drives are even mixed; 1 is WD, 1 is Maxtor (both 120gig).
Is this a known bug in 2.4.22 or mdadm 1.2.0? Suggestions?
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