Hi, Is it possible to have two pjsip instances running simultaneously in the same app? I want to have two "SIP engines" running side by side (don't ask why :p) After SIPEngine_1 is initialized and running fine, I try to launch SIPEngine_2 but the problems start when I try to Init the transaction layer... This is what I try to run when start SIP Engine 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pj_status_t status; /* Must init PJLIB first: */ // status = pj_init(); // pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); /* Then init PJLIB-UTIL: */ // status = pjlib_util_init(); // pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); pj_thread_desc desc; pj_thread_t *this_thread; status = pj_thread_register("Thread FaxSipEngine", desc, &this_thread); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { Logger::instance->Debug("FAXSIPENGINE | Unable to register pj_thread"); return; } /* Must create a pool factory before we can allocate any memory. */ pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, &pj_pool_factory_default_policy, 0); /* Create global endpoint: */ { const pj_str_t *hostname; const char *endpt_name; /* Endpoint MUST be assigned a globally unique name. * The name will be used as the hostname in Warning header. */ /* For this implementation, we'll use hostname for simplicity */ hostname = pj_gethostname(); endpt_name = hostname->ptr; /* Create the endpoint: */ status = pjsip_endpt_create(&cp.factory, endpt_name, &g_endpt); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } /* * Add UDP transport, with hard-coded port * Alternatively, application can use pjsip_udp_transport_attach() to * start UDP transport, if it already has an UDP socket (e.g. after it * resolves the address with STUN). */ { pj_sockaddr_in addr; status = !PJ_SUCCESS; while(status != PJ_SUCCESS){ addr.sin_family = pj_AF_INET(); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; addr.sin_port = pj_htons((pj_uint16_t)mySipPort); status = pjsip_udp_transport_start( g_endpt, &addr, NULL, 1, NULL); if(status != PJ_SUCCESS) Fax::instance->mySipPort++; } if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { ;//app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Unable to start UDP transport", status); return; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEMS START HERE, I get an assertion error inside pjsip_tsx_layer_init_module(g_endpt); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Init transaction layer. * This will create/initialize transaction hash tables etc. */ status = pjsip_tsx_layer_init_module(g_endpt); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); /* * Initialize UA layer module. * This will create/initialize dialog hash tables etc. */ status = pjsip_ua_init_module( g_endpt, NULL ); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any help will be appreciated ;) Andr?