> If you've got 3 different unregister requests, then that means you have > three accounts with active registration. Meaning it works! Am I missing > something? > I'll try to explain myself better :) What I'm trying to achieve is to reload the account configuration. To do that, I _think_ I have to do this: * Delete the actual accout object by doing acc.delete() and acc = None * Create another acc object whith lib.create_account... I've checked, and I only have one single acc object, because to reload the configuration (for example if the user changes the domain) I do the acc.delete and acc=None, but when I stop the acc and the lib to exit the application, I get more than one unregister requests. Did I explain myself better? Should I protect the account deleting with lib.auto_lock? Thank you!! -- Sa?l -- "Nunca subestimes el ancho de banda de un cami?n lleno de disketes." ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.saghul.net/