I think I got the last lines wrong... I didn't use timers!!! What I meant was simply: "Is this the best solution?" Thiago > Hi all, > > I got the message in the subject when playing wavs > to > a call from the EOF Callback. I already saw the > thread > http://www.pjsip.org/pipermail/pjsip/2007-July/003916.html, > but my problem is a little bit different, the > application doesn't really deadlock, it just gives > that message in the debug (level 4) and > pjsua_call_get_conf_port() returns PJSUA_INVALID_ID > instead of the conference port. The thread that gets > this message is the "clock", thats handling the EOF > callback. This problem happens if the callback for > incoming calls takes a little long to finish (around > 100 ms), and it happens even when there is no > hangups, > like only incoming calls. I'm not using the pjsua > player, I'm creating it directly with pjmedia. > > Right now I'm keeping the conference port number > stored in a variable and I update it on every change > of media state, since the callback for media state > is > handled by pjsua thread, and the problem is solved. > > Is this the best solution? Is there a way out of > this > without having to use timers? > > Thanks for all help, > > Thiago > Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o ?nico sem limite de espa?o para armazenamento! http://br.mail.yahoo.com/