I am using PHP5's soap client to connect to MSN and Google. The code
that worked on my Powerbook doesn't work on my Fedora box. These are
the error messages I get:
PHP Warning: SoapClient::__construct(http://soap.search.msn.com/
webservices.asmx?wsdl): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!
HTTP/1.0 408 Request Time-out
PHP Warning: SoapClient::__construct(): I/O warning : failed to load
external entity "http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl"
in /var/www/html/private/getmsnresults.php on line 22
I can ping the servers and curl the WSDL files, but somehow the soap
functions aren't working. I'm using PHP 5.1.0RC5. Any idea what I
am missing?
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