Hi there!
First, i must state that i'm completely new to SOAP, but i have some
experience with XML/XSLT.
I'm currently trying to implement a connection to a webservice that does
use complex types to the max. I managed to use several functions it
provides by creating the objects as classes and converting them via
SoapVar($object, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'complextypename', NULL,
'complextypename', 'namespace'). The Node name is the same as the name
for the complex type. (and the classname, btw, but i'm not sure if that
does matter)
Also the mambers are created via SoapVar(), simple as well as complex
ones, as there's the namespace missing if i don't. E.g. through:
SoapVar($string, XSD_STRING, NULL, NULL, 'nodename', 'namespace')
I can't post the WSDL due to an NDA (examples on request). I have to use
__call() resp. __soapCall() as i need to send an authetication-header
(which also worked the same way).
Now i have severe problems creating complex types that use attributes,
as all members of the are only converted to nodes in the XML request
1. Is the way i described the right way to use complex types?
2. Are there any tutorials on PHP5 native SOAP that go further than
implementing a 'hello world'-example.
3. How can you create attributes in your request?
4. Can you send headers also with $client->method()?
5. Can someone please explain to me what the parameters on SoapVar(),
SoapHeader() and __soapCall() do exactly mean?
I found out most of the stuff i know on (PHP5-)SOAP through
trial-and-error, so i'm just beginning to understand how it works.
Generally, the SOAP-Extension seems to be vastly underdocumented...
So i'd appreciate if someone could give me a brief intoduction on how
everything works together, i mean how to use the WSDL to build your app
around it. Which classes do i have to define, and how can i extract them
from the response.
This last part isn't really as important as the answers to my questions,
so it's perhaps best to ignore it, as i can imagine no one wants to
write a full tutorial that most propably already exists somewhere. :)
One should collect all infos on this topic at some time and integrate it
into the documentation of PHP5...
So, thanks in advance and regards, Oliver Müller
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