Hello, at the advice of a PHP guru, i've subscribed to the list today. I'm somewhat new to PHP and my only web programming experience is about 6 years of ColdFusion so i'm fairly familiar with the whole "gist" of it all. I tried a few different tutorials and so far have a 0.000 batting average. I can create a simple webservice (in PHP) which i can call from PHP and have it work. I can consume a webservice written in ColdFusion using PHP but i cant get ColdFusion to consume a PHP webservice yet. the latest tutorial i've tried is : http://www.phppatterns.com/index.php/article/articleview/41/1/2/ and for me it returns "Object Object" so i'm not sure if it even works. When i look at my test server (using their exact code) it returns a soap fault (but i'm looking at the service using GET and not POST, so that may be a factor). I've also tried the code at : http://talks.php.net/show/soap-phpcon-ny2003/42 with no luck there either. can anybody recommend some good SOAP tutorials for a beginner? I'm fairly sure i have properly downloaded the SOAP files off of pear.php.net, as well as its dependencies and the subsequent package dependancies of said dependancies. whew, thanks. peter