Hello all! I posted this to the pear.dev group the other day and never got a respnse. Perhaps someone here can help me. I would like to ask if anyone here has experience using the Microsoft Web Services behavior to consume PEAR::SOAP services? I am able to do the conventional php examples such as that of Shane's examples given at the April 23, 2003 PHPCON just fine. Ditto for the examples put forth by Harry Fuecks at phppatterns.com (ref. "Generating Server WSDL with PEAR::SOAP" at http://www.phppatterns.com/index.php/article/articleview/54/1/2/). However, if I swap the php client code for the MS Web Services behavior I get non-return codes that tell me very little about what is going on, or where in the process pipeline things are going astray, so I have very little to share with you. In short, I have to play detective here with 'nary a clue to go on, so I'm beginning here with this mailing list, seeking an experienced voice. I currently use Remote Scripting methods to provide my web-based, db-driven apps, a desktop feel that rivals that of desktop apps. I would like to swap this technique out for a standards-based one. With Shane now having the WSDL capability built into PEAR::SOAP, the reasons for me *not* to make the move seem trivial. Also, if I may, does anyone know of any other browser-based techniques for consuming web services as an alternative to the MS one? My goal here is to replace my current RemoteScripting/DHTML technique with the conventional XML/SOAP/WSDL one. I wish to use straight JavaScript. And before it gets asked, in no way, shape, or form am I going to commit myself to .NET. Thanks for your time! Jim -- PHP Soap Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php