The crux of this particular problem with Net/DIME.php seems to lie in SOAP/Transport.php line 56: res = @include_once($transport_include); and SOAP/Transport/HTTP.php line 33: require_once 'Net/DIME.php'; It seems SOAP/Transport/HTTP.php tries to require Net/DIME.php, and because of the @ an inclusion error is not reported, but the script is stopped because the require_once 'Net/DIME.php' in SOAP/Transport/HTTP.php throws a fatal error, which even @ can't avoid. This inclusion/require should not be happening in this class anyway as it is already included (or atleast tried to) in SOAP/Base.php, with adequate error handling if it's still needed in SOAP_Base. The same fatal error problem could still exist if SOAP/Base.php gives a fatal error when it is required in SOAP/Transport/HTTP.php , but let's assume it is always already included if we call it from SOAP_Transport. Also SOAP_Transport_HTTP is extending the wrong class, SOAP_Base_Object, instead of SOAP_Base, from which it uses the _makeDIMEMessage and _decodeMimeMessage methods in its _parseResponse method. This should also resolve Brodie Thiesfield's problem in post: "[SOAP] bug in _decodeDIMEMessage" (7/16/2003) And perhaps also Will Green's Mime echo problem in post: "PEAR::SOAP server handling MIME attachemnts" (7/30/2003) If we correct the parent class it should now give a SOAP_Fault error in $this->fault in the case Net/DIME.php or Net/Mime.php doesn't exist when calling _makeDIMEMessage or _decodeMimeMessage. That is if the method _parseResponse would return false if the _makeDIMEMessage or _decodeMimeMessage returned a PEAR_Error. The attached patch diff for SOAP/Transport/HTTP.php, SOAP-0.8RC1 should fix all these problems. - Pim Broekhof "Javier Muniz" <> wrote in message"> > One thing that I've noticed is that a script using PEAR::SOAP dies with no > error message when it tries to instatiate a class that has not been defined. > This is not just a problem with missing dependencies, but also if you > accidentally instatiate a class before you have loaded it's include file. > > Has anyone else noticed this? > > -Javier > > -----Original Message----- > From: Abdul-Wahid Paterson [] > Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:14 PM > To: Will Green > Cc: > Subject: Re: [SOAP] soap problems revisited > > > > > > > Did you use pear to install SOAP, or did you just unzip the SOAP > > Package? > > > > I ask because pear shouldn't let you install SOAP without Net_DIME. > > No I didn't use pear to install SOAP. I just unzipped the tar.gz file. My > mistake, just strange that it didn't generate any error message. > > -- > Abdul-Wahid Paterson > > Lintrix Networking & Communications ltd. > Web: > Tel: +44 20 8904 2348 > Email/Jabber: > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Web-Hosting | Development | Security | Consultancy | Domains > -------------------------------------------------------------------- begin 666 HTTP.diff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