Brenton, This is how I do it: <?php $filename = "db_backup_" . date("n-j-y"); header("Content-Disposition: filename=$filename.sql"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); exec("mysqldump -c -q " . DATABASE_NAME . " -u username -ppassword --add-drop-table", $sql); for($i = 0; $i < count($sql); $i++) { echo $sql[$i] . "\r\n"; } ?> Joseph "Brenton Dobell" <> wrote in message"> > Hello all, > > I am developing an Intranet page for my workplace, ATM i use phpmyadmin to > do rutine backups ect, this is cool but i am going on long service leave for > 14 weeks and during that time a new guy will attempt to continue to maintain > the site and perform regular "backups"... I tried to show him how to use > phpmyadmin but has proved too dificult for him to understand, how can i make > a quick script to implement into a page that prompts you to download the > entire sctipt in .txt form?? just like php myadmin, and starting tips and > hints would be great. > > > Cheers in advance > > Brenton > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: