If you do end up considering migrating to mySQL on any platform.. search google for SQLyog .. it's a win32 db client that can migrate odbc datasources such as your paradox db to mysql.. So easily, that you might consider doing it one night when your paradox db get's slow.. migrate the database, copy all the php code to a 2nd location, modify for mysql and test it out ;) On Sat, 10 May 2003, Paolo Bonavoglia wrote: > My school has a site on a HP NetServer E200 with Win2000 Server > and Apache-Php. There are many web-pages accessing Paradox databases with > the odbc PhP functions. > Now the system is very slow in answering to DB queries; e.g. I > have a graphic counter which uses a Paradox tables to record info about > visitors; when the table bocomes too big (about 10-20000 rows) the counter > becomes very very slow; only cutting the table to the last hundreds of > visits, the counter behaves good. > Why is the system so slow for big tables? it is a Paradox matter, > a ODBC matter, a Win2000 matter? A hardware (CPU, RAM) matter? > > Now I'm looking for the best solution; I have only some ideas: > > 1. Migrate the server to Linux (I'm trying Mandrake 9.1); but are > there Linux ODBC driver for Paradox? Is it true that Apache/Php behaves > better on Linux? > 2. Migrate from Paradox to MySQL which is said to be very fast and can > be managed directly by PhP; but are there tools to easily convert Paradox > tables into MySQL? And is MySQL so much faster than Paradox/ODBC to justify > the [big] job? > 3. Improve the hardware: more RAM, a new server (e.g. a Xeon dual > processor). Is it worth the money? > > and as you see, I've many doubts too. > > Is there somobody which can solve these doubts? > > > Paolo Bonavoglia > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Webmaster http://www.liceofoscarini.it/ > E-Mail paolo.bonavoglia@liceofoscarini.it > > > -- > PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php > -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php