I have a database created in Ms Access and i want to configure and use it from mysql. I've tried to use Mysqlfront and SQLyog but the problem is still there: i can't import the tables from the access environment. The error is something like: "syntax error in FROM clause", but this is not the only (buggy)answer i've got. My question is this: is there a way to import the tables with the specific data type conversion(ole object->blob, and so on) bypassing tools like the two mentioned before or if this is not possible what is the configuration for ODBC driver(in ODBC Data Sources) i should use. PS: my biggest problem is that i can't delete a user created some time ago in my MsAccess program - perhaps this doesn't count. PS': i also tried to import as .txt or .csv, but i've figured out that mysql's doesn't want to work well with images, so there i come with another question: what's the best way for storing images in mysql? Many thanks(in advance), Martin