Just to weigh in on the tail end here, a FAQ of the top N items would be nice. But I have to say, I use the archives a lot before I post to the list. The archives contain the answers to most questions out there. If subscribers to this list checked the archives to see if their answer is there, then questions like register_globals might decrease in frequency. The other side effect of researching answers for yourself before posting is that you gain exposure to more of the language faster. How many times do you read about something that doesn't solve your immediate problem, but puts an idea into your head as to how you might handle a future situation? I know I benefit from it. Still, nothing better than being able to get help from some of the seasoned pros on this list right away. -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php