... ... ... $echoStr .= " <tr bgcolor='#ebebeb'class='default'> <td>".$row_ rs_newEnquiries[ 'Counts'] ."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Title']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['City']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Price']."</td> </tr>"; $total = $total + $row_rs_newEnquirie s['Counts']; //(2*100)+(1*200)+(2*300) $totalprice +=($row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts' ] * $row_rs_newEnquiries['Price']); } ... ... ... i hope this is right, because i've not tested yet... Sudhakar <finals27@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: there is a report which displays the enquiries made by users in the below mentioned format. the count column refers to how many number of times an enquiry was made for a particular city count city price 2 sydney $100 1 perth $200 2 melbourne $300 the total value of the enquiries should be $1000 ( 2 X $100 + 1 X $200 + 2 X $300) presently i am able to add the price column which displays $600 actually it should be $1000 following is the code presently ====================================================================== ======== mysql_select_db($database_connEnquiry, $connEnquiry); $sql = " SELECT Count(*) as Counts, Title, City, Price, FROM `enquiry` WHERE date_format(en_date,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN '" . $startDate . "' AND '" . $endDate . "' " . " Group By Title, City, Price Order By Counts Desc, Title Desc, mode, Price"; $rs_newEnquiries = mysql_query($sql, $connEnquiry) or die(dbError (query1)); $echoStr = "<table width='80%' cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr bgcolor='#cccccc;'><th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=10>Count</th><th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=400>Destination</th><th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=100>Direct Enquiries</th><th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=100>Mode</th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=50>Priced From</th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=35>numAdults</th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=35>numChildren</th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc' width=30>numInfants</th> <th align='center' bgcolor='#cccccc'>Story</th> </tr>"; $total = 0; $totalprice = 0; while ($row_rs_newEnquiries = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_newEnquiries)) { $echoStr .= " <tr bgcolor='#ebebeb' class='default'><td>".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Title']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['City']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Price']."</td> </tr>"; $total = $total + $row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts']; $totalprice = $totalprice + $row_rs_newEnquiries['Price']; } $echoStr .= "<tr bgcolor='#cccccc;'><th align=\"left\" bgcolor='#cccccc'><b>".$total."</b></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'>Total</th> <td bgcolor='#cccccc'> </td><td bgcolor='#cccccc'></td><td bgcolor='#cccccc'><b>$ ".$totalprice."</b> </td><td bgcolor='#cccccc'><b>".$totalnumadults."</b></td><td bgcolor='#cccccc'><b>".$totalnumchildren."</b></td><td bgcolor='#cccccc'><b>".$totalnuminfants."</b></td><td bgcolor='#cccccc'></td></tr></table>"; ====================================================================== ======== With the above code i am able to add the value of the price and display the $ amount. however if the count for a city is for example 2 which means there were 2 enquiries for example city sydney and the price is $100 then the total should be 2 X $100 which is $200 how can i change the above above code in a way that the $totalprice will be able to 1) multiply the numeric value in count column with the price column and similarly for all the rows 2) and add the $ amount in the price column and sum it up and be able to display in echo $totalprice; please advice. thanks --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]