hi i have an enquiry table which collects information about users making an online travel enquiry the fields in the table are = StoryTitle, EndCity, mode, PricedFrom, numAdults, numChildren, numInfants presently the select query is <?php $sql = SELECT Count(*) as Counts, StoryTitle, EndCity, mode, PricedFrom, numAdults, numChildren, numInfants, ReturnLocation FROM `enquiry` WHERE date_format(en_date,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN '" . $startDate . "' AND '" . $endDate . "' " . $enquiryText . " Group By StoryTitle, EndCity, mode, PricedFrom, numAdults, numChildren, numInfants, ReturnLocation Order By Counts Desc, StoryTitle Desc, mode, PricedFrom, numAdults, numChildren, numInfants, ReturnLocation"; while ($row_rs_newEnquiries = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_newEnquiries)) { $echoStr .= " <tr bgcolor='#ebebeb' class='default'><td>".$row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['StoryTitle']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['EndCity']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['mode']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['PricedFrom']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['numAdults']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['numChildren']."</td> <td class='default'> ".$row_rs_newEnquiries['numInfants']."</td> <td class='default'> <a href=".$row_rs_newEnquiries ['ReturnLocation'].">".$row_rs_newEnquiries ['ReturnLocation']."</a></td> </tr>"; $total = $total + $row_rs_newEnquiries['Counts']; } $totalamount=$row_rs_newEnquiries['totalvalue']; echo "value of total enquiry is $ ". $totalamount; ?> i have used $totalamount=$row_rs_newEnquiries['totalvalue']; both inside the while loop and outside the while loop however this is not working. here Counts is the column which collects the number of times an enquiry was made to a particular city example Sydney however Counts DOES NOT exist as a field in the table and PricedFrom collects the value of the $ amount to a city and this field exists in the table, so multiplying Counts and PricedFrom should give the result is the syntax of the select query correct as there is a comma before Count(*) & am i reading the value of this multiplied value correctly please advice. thanks.