Roshan, I use this code to read Exchange mailboxes and extract the message body with the PEAR standalone MIME_DECODE and IMAP classes :- <?php require_once("config.php"); require_once("functions.php"); require_once($coreRootPath . "core/database_class.php"); require_once($coreRootPath . "core/mimedecode_class.php"); require_once($coreRootPath . "core/IMAP_class.php"); require_once($coreRootPath . "core/users_class.php"); require_once($coreRootPath . "core/misc_class.php"); $coreMisc = new coreMisc(); $db = new coreDatabase(); $db->connect($coreDatabase); $coreUsers = new coreUsers(); if ($_SERVER['argc'] === 0) { // assume running under browser $_br = "<br>\n"; $mode = "browser"; } else { // assume running on command line $_br = "\n"; $mode = "cli"; } // set up defaults $action = "update"; // report / update(default) $debug = false; // debugging $loop = true; // used to force main checking loop to continue $hibernate = 300; // number of seconds to hibernate before checking mailbox loadParams(); while($loop = true) { message("Connecting to email server '" . $coreDatabase["imap_host"] . "'...."); $imap = new Net_IMAP($coreDatabase["imap_host"],$coreDatabase["imap_port"]); // Turn on protocol debug feature if ($debug) { $imap->setDebug(); $imap->setUnparsedResponse(true); } message("Logging onto email server '" . $coreDatabase["imap_host"] . "'...."); if (PEAR::isError($ret = $imap->login($coreDatabase["imap_user"],$coreDatabase["imap_password"]))) { die("Unable to login! reason:" . $ret->getMessage() . "$_br"); } $imap->selectMailbox('inbox'); $mblist = $imap->examineMailbox("INBOX"); $first_unread = (array_key_exists("UNSEEN",$mblist)) ? $mblist['UNSEEN'] : false; $num_messages = $imap->getNumberOfMessages("inbox"); message("There are $num_messages messages in 'inbox'"); if ($first_unread) { message("The first unread message is message '$first_unread'"); showSummary($imap); } $imap->selectMailbox('inbox'); if ($first_unread) { for ($i = $first_unread; $i <= $num_messages; $i++) { if ($imap->isSeen($i)) { message("Message $i has already been read...ignoring"); } else { message("Message $i is unread"); if (!$bodyText = getText($imap,$i)) { emailBad($imap,$i); // if bad, send a message to say a bad email // was found, and update message as read if ($action == "update") { $imap->selectMailbox('inbox'); // switch on read/write if (!$imap->addSeen($i)) die("Error setting message as unread - " . $ret->getMessag; message("Message $i marked as read"); } continue; } message("Decoded text: \n<pre>" . $bodyText . "</pre>"); $imap->selectMailbox('inbox'); // switch on read/write if ($action == "update") { $userDetails = array(); storeEmail($imap,$i,$bodyText); if (!$imap->addSeen($i)) die("Error setting message as unread - " . $ret->getMessage() . $_; message("Message $i marked as read"); } } } } else { message("All messages have already been read"); } // $imap->deleteMsg(4); message("Disconnecting from email server"); $imap->disconnect(); $logicalCheck['WEBDIARY$STATUS'] = array('RUN','RUNNING'); // $logicalCheck['MONI$PROCESSES'] = 'RUNNING'; if(!$coreMisc->hibernate($logicalCheck,$hibernate)) break; } message("Exiting...."); exit(0); // ********************** Functions used in Email Download scripts ********************** function htmlspecialchars_decode($text) { // convert text characters back into HTML entities, e.g. '&' to '&' $tmp = $text; $tmp = strtr($tmp, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS))); $tmp = str_replace(" "," ",$tmp); return $tmp; } function trim_crlf($text) { // Remove any extra line feeds from the start and end of the text $tmp = $text; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($tmp); $i++) { if (substr($tmp,0,1) == "\n") {$tmp = substr($tmp,1,strlen($tmp)); continue;} if (substr($tmp,0,1) == "\r") {$tmp = substr($tmp,1,strlen($tmp)); continue;} break; } for ($i = (strlen($tmp)-1); $i > 0; $i--) { if (substr($tmp,$i,1) == "\n" or substr($tmp,$i,1) == "\r" or substr($tmp,$i,1) == " ") continue; $tmp = substr($tmp,0,$i+1); break; } return $tmp; } function message($text) { // Output a message to the screen, prefixed with the date and time // If the program is being run interactively, HTML tags will be converted first global $_br, $mode; if ($mode == "cli") { // echo html2txt(date("d-m-Y H:i:s") . "> " . $text . $_br); echo strip_tags(date("d-m-Y H:i:s") . "> " . $text . $_br); } else { echo date("d-m-Y H:i:s") . "> " . $text . $_br; } } function showSummary($msgobject) { // Display a summary of email messages in the 'inbox' global $_br; $num_messages = $msgobject->getNumberOfMessages("inbox"); $fao1 = "%-25.25s %-30.30s %-30.30s %8.8s %-4.4s %-20.20s %s"; $line = sprintf($fao1, "Date", "From", "To", "Size", "Read", "Mimetype", "\n"); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_messages; $i++) { $summary = $msgobject->getSummary($i); $summary = $summary[0]; $seen = ($msgobject->isSeen($i) ? "Y" : ""); $line .= sprintf($fao1, $summary['DATE'], $summary['FROM'][0]['EMAIL'], $summary['TO'][0]['EMAIL'], $summary['SIZE'], $seen, $summary['MIMETYPE'], "\n"); // echo "<pre>"; var_dump($summary); echo "</pre>"; } message("Displaying mailbox summary" . $_br . "<pre>" . $line . "</pre>"); } function getText($msgobject,$msgid) { // Attempt to extract the text from an email message // 'false' will be returned if the extracts is unsuccessful message("Decoding message '$msgid'"); $msgobject->examineMailbox('inbox'); $body = $msgobject->getMsg($msgid); $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($body); $params = array( 'include_bodies' => TRUE, 'decode_bodies' => TRUE, 'decode_headers' => TRUE); $decoded = $decoder->decode($params); // predump($decoded,"Decoded Message"); if ($decoded->ctype_primary == "text" and $decoded->ctype_secondary == "plain") { return trim_crlf($decoded->body); } if ($decoded->ctype_primary == "text" and $decoded->ctype_secondary == "html") { $decodedParts = $decoded->body; $decodedParts = html2txt($decodedParts); $decodedParts = htmlspecialchars_decode($decodedParts); $decodedParts = trim_crlf($decodedParts); // message("<pre>"); var_dump($decodedParts); message("</pre>"); return $decodedParts; } // message("<pre>"); var_dump($decoded); message("</pre>"); if ($decoded->ctype_primary == "multipart" and $decoded->ctype_secondary == "related") { $textPart = findTextPart($decoded->parts); if ($textPart === null) { message("No text part found - $textPart"); return false; // No text part found } $decodedParts = $decoded->parts[$textPart]->body; $decodedParts = html2txt($decodedParts); $decodedParts = htmlspecialchars_decode($decodedParts); $decodedParts = trim_crlf($decodedParts); // message("<pre>"); var_dump($decodedParts); message("</pre>"); return $decodedParts; } message("Unable to decode message - dumping data instead: \n<pre>"); var_dump($decoded); message("</pre>"); return false; } function findTextPart($parts) { // Where a message is 'multi-part', attempt to find a text or HTML part containing the message // return 'null' if no message can be found, i.e. only contains images for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) { if ($parts[$i]->ctype_primary == "text" and $parts[$i]->ctype_secondary == "plain") return $i; if ($parts[$i]->ctype_primary == "text" and $parts[$i]->ctype_secondary == "html") return $i; } return null; // Could not find a text part } function emailBad($msgobject,$msgid) { global $coreAdminEmail; $summary = $msgobject->getSummary($msgid); $summary = $summary[0]; $msgFrom = $summary['FROM'][0]['EMAIL']; $msgSubject = $summary['SUBJECT']; $recipient = $coreAdminEmail; $subject = "Failure processing WebDiary email"; $message = "WebDiary was unable to process an email. The messages was sent from '$msgFrom' with a subject line of '$msgSubject'"; sendEmail($recipient,$subject,$message); return; } function loadParams() { // Load parameters from command line or query string global $action, $debug; // if running in CLI mode, load params from command line if ($argv = $_SERVER['argv']) { foreach ($argv as $key => $value) { if ($key == 0) continue; // ignore script filename parameter $param_pair = explode("=",$value); $string = '$' . $param_pair[0] . ' = "' . $param_pair[1] . '";'; // echo "$string\n"; eval($string); message("Loading parameter -> " . $param_pair[0] . ": " . $param_pair[1]); } } // if running in browser mode, load params from command line // *** to be written *** } function html2txt($document){ // Convert HTML to text, stripping out style tags, JavaScript tags, comments, and HTML tags. // The function calls in the html2text class to do most of the complicated work. $text = $document; require_once("core/html2text_class.php"); $search = array( '@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', // Strip out javascript '@<!DOCTYPE[^>]*?>@si', // Strip out doctype tags '@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $text = preg_replace($search, '', $text); $htmlToText = new Html2Text ($text, 80); // 80 columns maximum $text = $htmlToText->convert(); return $text; /* this code replaced by html2text class $text = $document; $text = str_replace("<br>","\r\n",$text); $text = str_replace("<BR>","\r\n",$text); $search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', // Strip out javascript '@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags '@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $text = preg_replace($search, '', $text); return $text; */ } function storeEmail($msgobject,$msgid,$bodyText) { global $userDetails, $coreUsers, $db; $summary = $msgobject->getSummary($msgid); $summary = $summary[0]; // predump($summary); if ($userDetail = $coreUsers->loadUserByEmail($db,$summary['FROM'][0]['EMAIL'])) { $userDetails['name'] = $userDetail['name']; } else { $userDetails['name'] = $summary['FROM'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME']; } $aryDetails['title'] = $summary['SUBJECT']; $aryDetails['description'] = $bodyText . "\n\n******************************\n** Automatically Inserted **\n*************; $aryDetails['alert'] = "Informational"; // predump($userDetails); // predump($aryDetails); addEvent($aryDetails); // store the email message in the database } ?> -----Original Message----- From: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Roshan Shahare Sent: 04 September 2007 11:59 To: roshan Shahare Subject: IMAP :- How to download the attachment if any. Hi All, I want to open a mssage using PHP ( IMAP ). How should I download the attachment if there is any with the email message. Please send me the code. <?php $imap = imap_open("{localhost/pop3}INBOX", "username", "password") or die("can't connect: ".imap_last_error()); $message_count = imap_num_msg($imap); echo "Total Messages :- ".$message_count; echo "<br>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $message_count; ++$i) { $header = imap_header($imap, $i); //$body = trim(substr(imap_body($imap, $i), 0, 100)); $body = imap_body($imap, $i); $prettydate = date("jS F Y", $header->udate); if (isset($header->from[0]->personal)) { $personal = $header->from[0]->personal; } else { $personal = $header->from[0]->mailbox; } $email = "$personal <{$header->from[0]->mailbox}@{$header->from[0]->host}>"; echo "On $prettydate, $email said \"$body\".\n"; } imap_close($imap); ?> --------------------------------- Try the revolutionary next-gen Yahoo! Mail. Click here. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] PHP Data object relational mapping generator Yahoo! 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