Dear php-objects list, I'm pleased to tell you all about dbscript, an mvc framework for PHP 4 & 5. It combines rest-style web services, content-negotiation, object-oriented modules and aspect-oriented plugins, and implements many popular patterns such as active record, o/r mapper, uri routes and more. Try the examples at: The fast and fun way to compose a restful dbscript database application is with Code Stylist, a cross-platform graphical database development utility. Watch the short Screencast movie presentation at: Or visit the Code Stylist home page: Thank you for your interest, we are looking forward to receiving your feedback and ideas. Brian Hendrickson Portland, Oregon comments from our Code Stylist customer forum: "Hi, just found this program - and I'm impressed. A code generator that actually generates websites that don't look like they were designed by a blind man :)" "Today I downloaded the new version of your Code Stylist and run it on MacOS X and on Suse Linux 9.3: it worked very good so far!" "It could be another great iApp"