On 2016-04-07 15:40, Christos Moustakakis wrote:
Could anyone inform me how to compile a second php in Ubuntu 14 in
different folder using CGI and FCGID options?
This looks like a good place to start
Where it talks about running the ./configure inside the PHP source,
you'll want to be sure to specify a custom place for your prefix.
./configure \
--prefix=/opt/php-custom \
<other options>
To figure out what you want/need to the rest of the options, a good
place to start is by looking at your current builds ./configure'ed
options. To do this, run this command at your shell:
# php -i | grep "Configure Command" | sed -e "s/'//g"
So, for mine, it shows --prefix=/usr
Yours might be the same, could be different. YMMV
Use your configure options with the above instructions.
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On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 2:04, Christos
Moustakakis<moustakakis@xxxxxxxx> wrote: My server isn't actually
using PHP FPM, it's using CGI and FCGID.
So I should compile it with CGI and FCGID options, rather than
PHP-FPM. Do you have any instructions for them (CGI and FCGID)?
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Jim Lucas
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