On May 5, 2015, at 3:17 PM, Christoph Becker wrote:
Jeffry Killen wrote:
I have held off on posting this pending an implementation of a script
that uses a formal
synchronous POST strategy, AND IT WORKED.
So there are now two "gotcha's"
1: ZipArchive won't create an empty zip file, but will return a
I'm still thinking about filing a respective bug report, but it seems
the issue is known, and I'm not sure whether that's a documentation
problem only. Anyhow, I'd have to dig through already existing bug
reports to avoid posting a duplicate.
2: Apparently, after the exercise below: A zip file will not be
an async request. And will give the persistent result as below.
That is
the common link in all the different dev server installations.
It appears to me that there shouldn't be a difference whether you do a
synchronous or an asynchronous XHR. At least, the server shouldn't
notice any difference. There may be something else going on.
The calls to header, print, and exit are in response to async get
$_constER is an array I culled from the various error codes
according to
else if($_GET['newArchAlt'])
//header('Content-Type: text/plain');
//print $_GET['newArchAlt'];
$_alt = new ZipArchive();
$_ret = $_alt->open(getcwd().'/'.$_GET['newArchAlt'],
Never ever use an unvalidated and unsanitized GET parameter to
a filename. That could be easily exploited (e.g. newArchAlt=../foo).
Yes, I know, thanks. This is a localhost dev environment and the only
user who
has any access is me. In a production context I wouldn't use GET, I
use POST and sanitize for sure. This is also part of a CMS system that I
am cooking up and it is intended to be restricted to registered admin
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
print $_ret.': '.$_constER[$_ret].": ".$_GET['newArchAlt']; //
result appears below
The result as printed in the initiating page:
1: ZipArchive::ER_MULTIDISK|Multi-disk zip archives not supported:
That might be a MacOSX specific issue. Consider to file a bug
report at
Thank you for time and attention
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