Re: Parsing Subject and Ticket #

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On 02/10/2014 09:39 AM, Jim Lucas wrote:
On 02/09/2014 08:32 AM, Ron Piggott wrote:

I am trying to parse an e-mail subject so it returns the subject and also
the ticket # *if* this is a reply to an existing ticket.

For this subject:

    $subject = 'Translation Idea [ Ticket 1005 ]';

my desired result is:

    $subject_array = array( ‘subject’=>’Translation Idea’ ,
‘ticket_profile_reference’=>1005 );

And for this subject:

    $subject = 'Translation idea';

my desired result is:

     $subject_array = array( ‘subject’=>’Translation Idea’ ,
‘ticket_profile_reference’=>FALSE );

The ticket # will always be in the format: [ Ticket # ]

The following is what I have tried so far.  The first line of code is
returning a syntax error.  Apparently it doesn’t like the simplified ‘if’.

I am asking for help to see how others would do this.


     $subject_array['subject'] = trim( substr( $subject , 0 , ( strpos(
$subject , "[ Ticket " ) > 0 ) ? strpos( $subject , "[ Ticket " ) : strlen(
$subject ); );

     $ticket_profile_reference = (int)trim( substr( $subject , ( strpos(
$subject , "[ Ticket " ) + 9 ) , ( strpos( $subject , " ]" ) - ( strpos(
$subject , "[ Ticket " ) + 9 ) ) ) );

     if ( $ticket_profile_reference == 0 ) {

         $subject_array['ticket_profile_reference'] = FALSE;

     } else {

         $subject_array['ticket_profile_reference'] =


     print_r( $subject_array );

Ron Piggott

Gotta love regular expressions...

For archive purposes, here is the code:


echo '<pre>';

$subjects[] = 'Translation Idea [ Ticket 1005 ]';
$subjects[] = 'Translation Idea';

foreach ( $subjects AS $subject ) {

preg_match('@^(?<subject>[\w\s]+)( \[ Ticket (?<ticket_profile_reference>[\d]+) \])?$@' ,$subject , $matches);

$matches['ticket_profile_reference'] = (isset($matches['ticket_profile_reference'])?$matches['ticket_profile_reference']:false);



Jim Lucas

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