Hi, Fair warning - not 100% PHP based question coming, but since it's almost Friday, I thought I'd risk it. My wife posed a question to me today for which I didn't have a very good answer and thought I'd check the hive mind here. At work, she uses a certain service to upload PDF files, until about 3 days ago this worked well enough. However, in the past three days when she tries to upload through the service she receives a variety of errors from 404 page not found, to an unexpected error occurred, to the service is busy, or the ever enjoyable endless spinning circle with nothing happening (at one point she started an upload, went for lunch, came back to a meeting, then on her way out for the evening forgot it was running to find it still sitting spinning its wheels). These files are all typically under 1MB, so the entire process itself shouldn't, and until three days ago didn't, take all that long. She's tried to use the same service outside of work (on our home ISP as well as two separate cell providers) and it functions as expected. So, she's thinking something on her work network must have changed, but IT isn't very interested in the matter. She has tried on several different computers in the office, all producing the same result of the file not uploading with one of the above mentioned errors. I have run into a similar problem in the past with a Hospital client that had an IT staff that seemed to enjoy randomly pressing buttons. For awhile uploads would work, then one day - from within the office, no go - outside the office everything ran as expected. Eventually the problem sorted itself out, which leads me to believe some random setting was possibly changed on the network. In such a situation, any pointers on where an investigation may begin? In my wife's case, I'm not sure its an option to ask IT what was changed three days ago as she works in a public school system that all connects through a large central office. But if she was able to pose the question a bit more specifically, and the stars align themselves, perhaps an answer may be found. If this is a little too far into the OT realm, move along - these aren't the droids you're looking for, and have a nice day :D Otherwise, thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to offer. -Tim