Re: iPhone sadness

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On Mon, 30 May 2011, Andre Polykanine wrote:

most  of  you  post your messages *after* the quotes. It's
really  not  comfortable: I use screenreading software here and I need
to scroll with my down arrow key before I see the actual message.
I use screen reading software as well and prefer bottom-posting.  Of 
course, those who quote an entire message (or messages) before their post 
should be shot, but thankfully this is a minority of people.
Since we're all pitching in with our arguments for top/bottom posting, 
I'll briefly state mine:
1.  Bottom (or at least "not top") posting allows you to interleave your 
responses amongst the quoted text.  This makes it a lot easier to know 
what is being responded to, and actually also makes it a lot more likely 
that all points that need answers will actually be answered.
2.  Particularly if #1 is followed, quoted material more often than not 
tends to be trimmed to what is relevant.  Top-posting not only usually 
results in the entire message being quoted, but often the entire thread 
right back to the beginning (or at least back to whoever bottom-posted 
last on it).  This can cause very large messages fairly quickly, 
especially if combined with HTML mail (don't get me started on *that* 
Unfortunately, Outlook Express (and perhaps others) seem to actively 
discourage doing the right thing.  One reason is that at least in Outlook 
Express, it's impossible to set different quoting settings for replies and 
forwards.  So you either end up with forwards with all quoted lines (very 
annoying to listen to I assure you), or replies where it's impossible to 
tell what's quoting and what's new text (unless you're sending as HTML 
mail of course).
And of course, the single reason (IMHO) why it's likely more people 
top-post - it's less work.

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