On Dec 28, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Nicholas Kell wrote: > > If you work for a company that admins over a hundred websites, you may be inclined to copy-paste a few passwords. > > I don't know about you, but when we use passwords that are over 16 characters long and I don't want to get an incorrect pass, because it was a grave character versus a single apostrophe, or a capital i versus a lowercase L or a zero versus an O, etc.. There is no way I am retyping passwords for every-time I need to log in, or FTP into a site. > > We use apps to store all our passes, so yeah I copy and paste. But on the same note I am conscious of copying a space at the end of the password / username. > > Sorry, you are not going to (re)educate the public on what you think is password best practices. But I do however, think that it is the users problem, not the developers. Learn how to copy-paste. You have a good point. Both with (1) you won't stop it, and (1) learn how to copy-paste. Regards, -Josh ____________________________________ Joshua Kehn | Josh.Kehn@xxxxxxxxx http://joshuakehn.com