On Sep 12, 2010, at 4:28 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:
On 10-09-12 05:19 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Tamara Temple<tamouse.lists@xxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
Ok, but how do you detect if a field changes? The specific
between application and data storage is probably moot until you
figure that
part out.
without talking to the server, or accessing it in the DOM somewhere,
the client has no access to the data. is it done via ajax/javascript?
some action onchange/onkeypress/etc. and check it against a variable
that was set on pageload?
Sorry, I thought this was about committing to the database versus
sending back to the web server. I must have misread the original
requirement. If trying to trap before submitting the form to the
webserver then JavaScript is necessary. You can't do this on upload
fields though.
Actually, even the client-side aspect isn't good enough -- they could
simply retype the same value in the field. Also, I'd like to not rely
on JavaScript alone to indicate that there's been a change, since, as
Ashley points out, someone could simply send up a form without
bothering with JavaScript. I'm talking about checking whether the
field has changed on the server-side of things, specifically.
So far, it seems the contenders are:
1) just update the record if there's not a big load on the server
2) use a checksum before populating the form for display and after
receiving the post from the client, storing the initial checksum in a
session variable
3) compare the submitted values against the values in the data base,
since you can't trust what is coming from the client, although this
does put an additional load on the server which might not be good if
there's already a big load on the server
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