You should look up something like "openssl how to create self signed certificate" on google. Once cert is created, you should look up "apache ssl howto". The rest is just following instructions intelligently. Or use a consulting company. b. PS: This has nothing to do with PHP, in case you haven't noticed :) On 2 September 2010 13:51, Jordan Jovanov <jovanovjoce@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello everybody > > I need me a little help. > I have one web page with hhtp protocol, but i need to change in https. > Somebody tell me that I need to create some SSL certificate. > I use some Apache server. > Do you somebody know does is easy and can i do? > Does need to write some php scripts or anything? > > Thanks a lot. > > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > >