On 6 May 2010 17:47, tedd <tedd.sperling@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > Michiel: > > Considerate? Being Inconsiderate is what the government does for a living. > > Additionally, what you said above is *your* opinion -- as *you* presented > in a public forum. Who's opinion is more appropriate for this list is > subject to debate. > > As for me, I'll say whatever I want as the topic permits. If you will > review this thread you will see that I was offering my code free to everyone > except government. That's not an opinion but rather a statement of > requirement for the code I'm providing. My second post to this thread > contained the reason WHY the requirement. > > If you don't like my requirements, and reasons for them, then please > forward my postings to the trash and don't use my code. > > > Cheers, > > tedd > > It appears as though I struck a wrong chord. I honestly did not mean to upset you. :) My point was that we should not be overtly confrontational towards one another, but it seems that only exacerbated the situation. My sincerest apologies. Regards, Michiel