Andrew Ballard wrote:
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Robert Cummings <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Nathan Rixham wrote:
"The most common misconception of how this element should be used is for
the standard sidebar." - see:
Unfortunatley I examined that side quite thoroughly and got smacked with a
link to the W3C Editor's Draft. I stand corrected by ignorance:
"The element can be used for typographical effects like pull
quotes or sidebars, for advertising, for groups of nav elements,
and for other content that is considered separate from the main
content of the page."
Looks like the W3C watered it down to appease the worlds morons. I mean
seriously... for advertising?? I have a better tag for that:
Buy my shit now... 50% off!!!
Seriously, then screen readers would know exactly what not to read to their
listeners. Of course, it wouldn't get used... someone would use <aside>
instead :B
Oh, well... so much for the much anticipated semantic web. I shall strive to
use it correctly, as I'm sure the original author intended.
I think I need a snack... all this abuse of English is making
me hungry :B
Application and Templating Framework for PHP
I agree. Of course, it isn't final yet, so perhaps there is time for
comments to be heard.
I assume you can still use aside the way you want, just make it a child
of the article or the section it is meant to compliment.
In the case of two column layout, it is not a child of the content
column but of the body node, and is an aside to the content itself.
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