I read somewhere (can't find the link at the moment) that there's
probably 2.5 frameworks per PHP developer.
I know that when I started I was writing my own bits and pieces of two
frameworks. One was function based and the other was OO based.
I've since found the Yii <http://www.yiiframework.com/> PHP framework
and LOVE it. As someone that used to do assembly code programming on Pic
microcontrollers with very little SQL background it was a bit of work to
try and understand OO, MVC, ActiveRecord, etc.. But now that I have I'm
much faster and more efficient. There's also the added bonus that being
a Open Source project it is being worked on by lots of people and
constantly getting better.
So I'd have to vote twice. I've used my own frameworks, but now using a
proper one.
My 2c.
Michael Kubler
I believe in a better world. I support the Zeitgeist Movement
James McLean wrote:
In hindsight, it's a little clunky now. But I was proud of it and I
still am to a point :) Personally I believe any PHP developer who
wants to be taken seriously should have written thier own framework :)