Hey all, Just wanted to make sure you knew about php|architect's upcoming CodeWorks conference, coming to 7 cities in 14 days: - San Francisco, CA: Sept 22-23 - Los Angeles, CA: Sept 24-25 - Dallas, TX: Sept 26-27 - Atlanta, GA: Sept 28-29 - Miami, FL: Sept 30 - Oct 1 - Washington, DC: Oct 2-3 - New York, NY: Oct 4-5 Each two-day event includes a day of *in-depth PHP tutorials* and a day of *PHP conference talks* arranged across three different tracks, all presented by the *best experts* in the business. Each event is limited to 300 attendees and prices increase the closer we get to each event. Get your tickets today before we run out or the price goes up! For more information and to register, you can go to http://cw.mtacon.com. Hope to see you there! -Elizabeth