RE: How to output a NULL field?

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On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 10:50 -0400, David Stoltz wrote:
> Wow - thanks for the code, but it's over my head at this point.
> I'm a PHP newbie....I typically use ASP Classic, but I realize I need to learn PHP for ongoing development. Problem is, we don't have MySQL here, so I have to fumble my way through with MS SQL.
> Thanks!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hack988 hack988 [mailto:hack988@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:13 AM
> To: ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: David Stoltz; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re:  How to output a NULL field?
> My code for mssql
> please enable the php's mssql extentions.
> it used like so many mysql class that you can find by google
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php
> if(!defined('IN_WEB')) {
> 	exit('Access Denied');
> }
> ini_set('mssql.datetimeconvert',0);//php>4.2.0 disable php's automatic
> datetime convert
> Class DB {
> 	var $querynum=0;
> 	var $mssql_link;
> 	var $conn_link;
> 	var $sp_link;
> 	var $sp_name='';
> 	var $error_stop=0;
> 	var $show_error=0;
> 	var $dbhost;
> 	var $dbuser;
> 	var $dbpw;
> 	var $dbname;
> 	var $pconnect;
> 	var $var_type=array();
> 	var $fields_name=array();
> 	var $last_error_msg='';
> 	var $phprunversion='';
> 	function DB() {
> 			//define type for sp
> 			$this->var_type['sp_bit']=SQLBIT;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_tinyint']=SQLINT1;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_smallint']=SQLINT2;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_int']=SQLINT4;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_bigint']=SQLVARCHAR;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_real']=SQLFLT4;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_float']=SQLFLT8;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_float-null']=SQLFLTN;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_smallmoney']=SQLFLT8;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_money']=SQLFLT8;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_money-null']=SQLFLT8;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_char']=SQLCHAR;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_varchar']=SQLVARCHAR;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_text']=SQLTEXT;
> 			$this->var_type['sp_datetime']=SQLINT4;
> 			$this->phprunversion=phpversion();
> 			//end
> 	}
> /*>=php4.4.1,>=php5.1.1
> a new paramate for if use newlink for connect,pconnect
> */
> 	function rconnect($newlink=false){//2007.03.01 by hack988 fix phpversion check
> 		if($this->phprunversion >= '4.4.1' && $this->phprunversion < '5.0.0'
> || $this->phprunversion >= '5.1.1'){
> 			return $this->rconnect4p($newlink);
> 		}else{
> 			return $this->rconnect3p();
> 		}
> 	}
> 	function rconnect3p(){
> 		$this->mssql_link = $this->pconnect==0 ?
> mssql_connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpw) :
> mssql_pconnect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpw);
> 		if(!$this->mssql_link){
> 			$this->halt("connect
> ($this->pconnect)MSSQL($this->dbhost,$this->dbuser)failed!");
> 			return false;
> 		}else{
> 			$this->conn_link=$this->mssql_link;
> 			if($this->dbname) {
> 				if (!@$this->select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn_link)){
> 					$this->halt('can not use database '.$this->dbname);
> 					return false;
> 				}else{
> 					return true;
> 				}
> 			}else{
> 				return true;
> 			}
> 		}
> 	}
> 	function rconnect4p($newlink=false){
> 		$this->mssql_link = $this->pconnect==0 ?
> mssql_connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpw , $newlink) :
> mssql_pconnect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpw, $newlink);
> 		if(!$this->mssql_link){
> 			$this->halt("reconect($this->pconnect)MSSQL($this->dbhost,$this->dbuser)failed");
> 			return false;
> 		}else{
> 			$this->conn_link=$this->mssql_link;
> 			if($this->dbname) {
> 				if (!@$this->select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn_link)){
> 					$this->halt('can not use database '.$this->dbname);
> 					return false;
> 				}else{
> 					return true;
> 				}
> 			}else{
> 				return true;
> 			}
> 		}
> 	}
> 	function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect =
> 0,$auto_conn=0 ,$newlink=false) {
> 		$this->dbhost=$dbhost;
> 		$this->dbuser=$dbuser;
> 		$this->dbpw=$dbpw;
> 		$this->dbname=$dbname;
> 		$this->pconnect=$pconnect;
> 		if($auto_conn){
> 			return $this->rconnect($newlink);
> 		}else{
> 			return true;
> 		}
> 	}
> 	function close() {
> 		if($this->conn_link){
> 			$result=mssql_close($this->conn_link);
> 		}else{
> 			$result=true;
> 		}
> 		$this->mssql_link='';
> 		$this->sp_link='';
> 		$this->conn_link='';
> 		return $result;
> 	}
> 	function select_db($dbname){
> 		$this->mssql_link=mssql_select_db("[".$dbname."]");
> 		return $this->mssql_link;
> 	}
> 	function query($SQL,$method='') {
> 		if($method=='UNBUFFERED'){
> 			mssql_query("SET NOCOUNT ON",$this->conn_link);
> 			$this->mssql_link = mssql_query($SQL,$this->conn_link);
> 			mssql_query("SET NOCOUNT OFF",$this->conn_link);
> 		}else{
> 			$this->mssql_link = mssql_query($SQL,$this->conn_link);
> 		}
> 		if (!$this->mssql_link)  $this->halt('SQL query error: ' . $SQL);
> 		$this->querynum++;
> 		return $this->mssql_link;
> 	}
> 	function get_one($sql,$prefix=""){
> 		$query=$this->query($sql,'UNBUFFERED');
> 		if(strlen($prefix)>0){
> 			$this->get_fields_name();
> 			$rs=$this->fetch_duplicate_array($query);
> 		}else{
> 			$rs = $this->fetch_array($query, MSSQL_ASSOC);
> 		}
> 		return $rs;
> 	}
> 	function seek($num,$link=''){
> 		$link = empty($link) ? $this->mssql_link : $link;
> 		return mssql_data_seek($link,$num);
> 	}
> 	function fetch_array($query, $result_type = MSSQL_ASSOC) {
> 		return mssql_fetch_array($query, $result_type);
> 	}
> 	function fetch_duplicate_array($query, $prefix="dup_") {
> 		if(count($this->fields_name)<1) return false;
> 		$fields=$this->fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);
> 		if(!$fields) return false;
> 		$reternfields=array();
> 		foreach($fields AS $key=>$value){
> 			if(isset($reternfields[$this->fields_name[$key]]))
> 				$reternfields[$prefix.$this->fields_name[$key]]=$value;
> 			else
> 				$reternfields[$this->fields_name[$key]]=$fields[$key];
> 		}
> 		return $reternfields;
> 	}
> 	function affected_rows($link='') {
> 		$link= empty($link) ? $this->conn_link :$link;
> 		return mssql_rows_affected($link);
> 	}
> 	function get_fields_name($link=''){
> 		$link= empty($link) ? $this->mssql_link :$link;
> 		$fieldscount=$this->num_fields($link);
> 		for($i=0;$i<$fieldscount;$i++){
> 			$field[$i]=mssql_field_name($this->mssql_link,$i);
> 		}
> 		$this->fields_name=$field;
> 	}
> 	function num_rows($link='') {
> 		$link = empty($link) ? $this->mssql_link : $link;
> 		$rows = mssql_num_rows($link);
> 		return $rows;
> 	}
> 	function num_fields($query) {
> 		return mssql_num_fields($query);
> 	}
> 	function sp_init($sp_name){
> 		$this->sp_link=mssql_init($sp_name,$this->conn_link);
> 		!$this->sp_link && $this->halt('Init PROCEDURE Failed :' . $sp_name);
> 		$this->sp_name=$sp_name;
> 		return $this->sp_link;
> 	}
> 	function sp_bind($parameter,&$var,$type,$if_out=false,$if_null=false){
> 		if(!$this->sp_link){
> 			 $this->halt('Can not bind var for PROCEDURE' . $parameter);
> 			 return false;
> 		}else{
> 			if(!mssql_bind($this->sp_link,$parameter,$var,$this->var_type[$type],$if_out,$if_null)){
> 				$this->halt('PROCEDURE var binding failed' .
> $parameter.$this->var_type[$type]);
> 				return false;
> 			}else{
> 				return true;
> 			}
> 		}
> 	}
> 	function sp_execute($skipout,$sp_link=''){
> 		$this->sp_link=$sp_link? $sp_link : $this->sp_link;
> 		$this->mssql_link=mssql_execute($this->sp_link,$skipout);
> 		if (!$this->mssql_link)  $this->halt('exec PROCEDURE failed: ' . $SQL);
> 		$this->querynum++;
> 		return $this->mssql_link;
> 	}
> 	function sp_free_statement($sp_link=''){
> 		$this->sp_link=$sp_link? $sp_link : $this->sp_link;
> 		if(!mssql_free_statement($this->sp_link)){
> 			$this->halt('free memory failed (PROCEDURE):'.$this->sp_name);
> 			return false;
> 		}else{
> 			$this->sp_link='';
> 			return true;
> 		}
> 	}
> 	function free_result($query) {
> 		return mssql_free_result($query);
> 	}
> 	function insert_id() {
> 		$rs = $this->get_one("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS [insertid]");
> 		if($rs)
> 			return $rs['insertid'];
> 		else
> 			return false;
> 	}
> 	function halt($msg='') {
> 		if($this->show_error){
> 			echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."<br/>¥n";
> 			echo $msg."<br/>¥n";
> 			$this->last_error_msg="SQL Server
> Msg:".nl2br(mssql_get_last_message())."<br/>¥n";
> 			echo $this->last_error_msg;
> 			$this->last_error_msg = $msg.$this->last_error_msg;
> 		}
> 		$this->error_stop && exit;
> 	}
> }
> ?>
You should try and see if you can get it installed there, as it will
work on Windows servers. I've found it generally to be faster than MS
SQL, and the choice of different database engines for each table gives
you a LOT of flexibility for the future too. Also, MySQL offers a bit
more functionality I've found.


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