Well if the server your running on is linux based (and I haven't tried
this) you could try adding a nohup and background the task for example
rather than doing:
system('nohup updatedb &');
It should background the task and let it continue running even when the
php script finishes it's execution. Like I said I haven't tested it. As
a side note I used 'updatedb' in the example because it was the longest
running task I could think of off the top of my head and requires root
priveledges... You really shouldn't run your scripts as root. *A public
server announcement*
Alberto García Gómez wrote:
I'm experimenting problems with a call that I made to exec or system. The problem is that the script await for the function finish and that take's a lot of time.
I need a way to use those functions in order to continue without await for it.
Saludos Fraternales
Alberto García Gómez M:.M:.
Administrador de Redes/Webmaster
IPI "Carlos Marx", Matanzas. Cuba.
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