On Jul 7, 2009, at 12:30 PM, Tom Worster wrote:
On 7/7/09 12:17 PM, "Jeff Weinberger" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Jul 7, 2009, at 8:38 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:03, Jeff
Weinberger<jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This seemed like it would be the perfect solution...but alas it did
work. 22527 seems right, but after changing php.ini to that and
php and apache, I am still getting "Deprecated..." messages.
Dumb question, Jeff: are you sure you're editing the correct
php.ini file?
</Daniel P. Brown>
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Not a dumb question at all! I check every time (php_info()) to make
sure the "loaded configuration file" is the one I'm editing. So, as
far as I can tell, yes.
Should I be looking at something else to be sure?
i've now had a look at http://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php
in your shoes i'd try out 2047 (with is everything up to and including
E_USER_NOTICE) and possibly 6143 (=2047+4096) if you have your own
if still no luck i can't think of anything else to suggest but work
check the value returned by error_reporting() is the value you set in
binary decode it to double check.
if it sill makes no sense, check the php bugs db. and if nothing,
report it.
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thanks - I'll try those and report back, and will keep playing with
various combinations until I get it to work or prove it doesn't :)
One question - that I for some reason have not found - is there a list
of the numerical values of the E_* constants somewhere?
Thanks for your help!
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