Re: exasperated again

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Stuart wrote:
> 2009/7/4 PJ <af.gourmet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2009-07-04 at 10:47 -0400, PJ wrote:
>>>> Jim Lucas wrote:
>>>>> PJ wrote:
>>>>>> Could somebody please explain to me what is wrong with this code?
>>>>>> In my script it works, returns the correct id, but when I try it in a
>>>>>> test pages, nothing in the world gets it to work. This is rather
>>>>>> frustrating, again:
>>>>>> $sql = "SELECT id FROM publishers
>>>>>>         WHERE publisher = 'whoever'";
>>>>>>       $result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
>>>>>>         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);           if
>>>>>> (mysql_num_rows($result) !== 0) {
>>>>>>           $pub = $row['id'];
>>>>>> Syntax is ok, echo "hello"; works.
>>>>>> This works in the test page:
>>>>>> $aid = array();
>>>>>> $ord = array();
>>>>>> $sql = "SELECT authID, ordinal
>>>>>>         FROM book_author WHERE bookid = 624 ORDER BY ordinal ASC";
>>>>>>         $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);             //$row =
>>>>>> mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
>>>>>>             while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) {
>>>>>>             $aid[]=$row['authID'];
>>>>>>             $ord[]=$row['ordinal'];
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>             var_dump($aid);
>>>>>>             echo "<br />";
>>>>>>             var_dump($ord);
>>>>>>             echo $aid[0], " - ";
>>>>>>             echo $ord[0];
>>>>>> This does not:
>>>>>> $fi="joe"; $la="joe";
>>>>>> $sql = "SELECT id FROM author
>>>>>>         WHERE first_name = '$fi' && last_name = '$la'";
>>>>>>     $result = msql_query($sql, $db);
>>>>>>         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
>>>>>>         $count=mysql_num_rows($result);
>>>>>>     echo $count;
>>>>>>           if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
>>>>>>           $a_id=$row['id'];
>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>           echo $a_id, "<br /><br />";
>>>>>> The test page prints out echo "some text"; but no results when the
>>>>>> results are there....
>>>>>> Tell me I have missed something simple here, or is this normal for php ?
>>>>>> I have checked the queries on Mysql command line and they are fine.
>>>>>> I have verified the syntax and Netbeans tells me it is fine.
>>>>>> Same results Firefox3 (2 machines) & IE 8.
>>>>>> What is not fine?
>>>>> I was preaching this to you months ago.  You should have error
>>>>> reporting turned on in a development area.
>>>>> by that I mean php should be set to display_errors = on and
>>>>> error_reporting = E_ALL
>>>>> Give this a try in a development area and "you will see the errors of
>>>>> your ways..."
>>>> The error reporting is always on as you suggested and I use it all the time.
>>>> But error reporting cannot report a non-existing error - a human stupid
>>>> error that I finally caught - msql instead of mysql... oh. well... :-(
>>>> --
>>>> Hervé Kempf: "Pour sauver la planète, sortez du capitalisme."
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Phil Jourdan --- pj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Actually, if you had error reporting on, it should have at least picked
>>> that up as a function that was not defined. You do mention you get a lot
>>> of white pages instead of errors, which suggests that either you do not
>>> have errors turned on, or you are turning them on from within PHP,
>> What do you mean "from within PHP" ?
>> Isn't this enough in the script?
>> error_reporting(E_ALL);
>> ini_set('display_errors', 1);
> As Ash points out that will not display errors in the code syntax
> since they prevent any of your script from being executed. You're
> better off setting these values in php.ini.
> -Stuart
Talk about exasperation:

I just tried to find on Guggle (!)
Somebody tell me why on another computer going through the same
connection to the internet finds and goes to that site. I have no reason
to block that site as I never knew it existed. Yet, no matter how I
input the name "mange quebec", "mangeQuebec", with or without the or even .ca on FF3 and same results on IE8....
this really sucks...

Hervé Kempf: "Pour sauver la planète, sortez du capitalisme."
Phil Jourdan --- pj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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