Re: check a variable after EACH function

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On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:21:03PM -0400, Phpster wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2009, at 10:48 PM, Paul M Foster <paulf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:


>> FWIW, I've had to do this exact thing with regard to form validation,
>> except I'm not looping. Check each condition, and if it fails, never
>> mind validating the rest of the fields.
> Isn't that a little rough on the user? Wouldn't a better user
> experience be to check all the fields and report all errors back to
> the user in one pass, rather than after each element that fails?


Well, yes. Early on I tended to do it this way, but I made my error
handling more sophisticated over time.

Actually, where I do something like this now is on some blog software I
wrote. There are numerous fields to be filled out, and if all are
filled out correctly, it updates a database and dumps some files to
disk. At each field check, I increment an error count variable if the
user screws up. And before I check each field, I check the error count.
If there are errors, then I may not update the database and dump the
files, so there's no point in checking the contents of certain fields.
For example, if the user didn't provide a title for the post, I'm not
going to go through the process of XSS checking on their post content,
since I'm not going to store it until they give me a title. I'll report
to them on the missing fields, though, and allow them to repair.

Paul M. Foster

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