Mary Anderson wrote:
Hi all,
I have a php application for which I have a page which creates
temporary junk and puts it into a persistent store (in this case a
postgres database, but that is beside the point.)
I have a Save button which puts the stuff I really want into the
persistent store and cleans up the temporary junk. I have a Cancel
button which only cleans up the temporary junk.
I would really like to have the cleanup code run anytime a user
leaves the page without hitting the Save button. Is there anyway to do
this? I.e. have php code called conditionally on exiting the page?
I do a similar thing and put a unix timestamp on the temporary database.
A cron job run once a day calls a page that deletes anything in the
temporary database that has a timestamp > 24 hours old.
You don't have to do it with a cron job - you can also have the function
that writes to the table delete anything older than X hours if you don't
have facilities to cron (though you can run the cron job from any
machine, doesn't need to run on the server)
something like this
$expire = time() - (24 * 60 * 60);
$sql = "DELETE FROM temporary WHERE stamp < $expire";
The security of who can access it isn't important, as it only deletes
what you no longer want anyway and it returns no data to the browser.
Write a shell script that fetches it via wget and have cron execute it
Maybe there's a better way, but it works for me.
For temporary files on the filesystem, I use
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