ramesh.marimuthu@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm new to php.
Say I have a check box which is checked already. Now I need to uncheck
it and when I press the submit button, I should get the unchecked value.
Can anyone help me on this.
echo "<td class=tabhead align=center
style=background-color:#CC66CC><input type=checkbox name=disable
value=a".$count." checked DISABLED /></br>".$slot_value."</td>";
echo "<td class=tabhead align=center
style=background-color:#00CCCC><input type=checkbox name=enable[]
value='--user ".$slot_value." --ne ".$nen." --timespec ".$slt."' checked
One.php calls Two.php
$enable_slot= $_POST['enable'];
$uncheck_slot= $_POST['uncheck'];
if ($enable_slot){
echo "$enable_slot";
foreach($enable_slot as &$a) {
echo "<p>".$a." --unreserve</p>";
I get only the results only if checked. I think I'm doing a mistake in
the code in red font.
When you uncheck a checkbox in an HTML form, it will not be submitted.
The part on the above page talking about "only "on" checkbox controls can become successful." is the key here.
The successful part links here:
This explains that the definition of a successful checkbox submission is one that is "on".
To have a checkbox in the "on" state means that it has to be checked.
So, any checkbox that is /not/ checked is considered "off" or "undefined" will not be submitted because it is not valid.
Or something like that... :)
Jim Lucas
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