Re: Retrieving Image Location in PHP from MySQL

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On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Sashikanth Gurram <sashi34u@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Sashikanth Gurram <sashi34u@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Nathan,
>>> Thanks a lot for the suggestion. It is working fine for an example code I
>>> have used to test it. The code I have written after your suggestion is as
>>> follows.
>>> <?php
>>> $location="C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\htdocs\Bldgs_lots\SQUIRES.jpg";
>>> header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
>>> imagejpeg(imagecreatefromjpeg($location));
>>> ?>
>>> The above code is yielding me a picture. Now, When I tried to use it in
>>> my
>>> original code it is not giving me the image. Instead it is giving me this
>>> warning *Warning*: Cannot modify header information - headers already
>>> sent
>>> by (output started at C:\wamp\www\mysqli.php:65) in
>>> *C:\wamp\www\mysqli.php*
>>> on line *221*
>>> and a lot binary characters again instead of the image. I know something
>>> about this warning that we should not output anything to the browser
>>> before
>>> the header. But I cannot do that, since I need the user input using a
>>> html
>>> form and I use the input to fetch the data and dispaly it in a table
>>> along
>>> with the image. I am posting the whole code below. Please do let me know
>>> about any changes, corrections or modifications that are needed. The
>>> image
>>> display code is towards the last.
>>> <html>
>>> <body>
>>> <form action="mysqli.php" method="post">
>>> <br>
>>> <div align="center">
>>> Building Name:<select name="name">
>>> <option value=""> Select a Building</option>
>>>    <option value="Williams Hall">Williams Hall</option>
>>>    <option value="Women's Softball Field">Women's Softball Field</option>
>>>    <option value="Wright House">Wright House</option>
>>> </select>
>>> </div>
>>>                  <input type="submit" />
>>> </form>
>>> <?php
>>> // Connects to your Database
>>> $host="*********";
>>> $user="*********";
>>> $password="*********";
>>> $dbname="*********";
>>> $cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname) ;
>>> if (!$cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname))
>>>  {
>>>      $error=mysqli_error($cxn);
>>>      echo "$error";
>>>      die();
>>>  }
>>> else
>>>  {
>>>      echo "Connection established successfully";
>>>  }
>>> //Define the variables for Day and Month
>>> $Today=date("l");
>>> $Month=date("F");
>>> $build=$_POST["name"];
>>> $low_speed=2.5;
>>> $high_speed=4;
>>> $hour=date("G");
>>> $minute=date("i");
>>> if ($minute>=00 && $minute<=14)
>>>  {
>>>      $minute=00;
>>>  }
>>> elseif ($minute>=15 && $minute<=29)
>>>  {
>>>      $minute=15;
>>>  }
>>> elseif ($minute>=30 && $minute<=44)
>>>  {
>>>      $minute=30;
>>>  }
>>> else
>>>  {
>>>      $minute=45;
>>>  }
>>> $times="10:$minute";
>>> $sql="SELECT buildingname, parking_lot_name, empty_spaces, distance,
>>> round(distance/($low_speed*60),1) AS low_time,
>>> round(distance/($high_speed*60),1) AS high_time, Location FROM buildings,
>>> buildings_lots, parkinglots, occupancy2, Image where
>>> (buildings.buildingcode=occupancy2.building AND
>>>  buildings.buildingcode=buildings_lots.building_code AND
>>> parkinglots.parking_lot_code=buildings_lots.parking_lot_code AND
>>> parkinglots.parking_lot_code=occupancy2.parking_lot AND
>>> Buildings.BuildingCode=Image.BuildingCode) AND buildingname='$build' AND
>>> month='$Month' AND day='Monday' AND Time='$times'";
>>> $data = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql);
>>> if (!$data=mysqli_query($cxn,$sql))
>>>  {
>>>      $error=mysqli_error($cxn);
>>>      echo "$error";
>>>      die();
>>>  }
>>> else
>>>  {
>>>      echo "<br>";
>>>      echo "Query sent successfully";
>>>  }
>>> echo "<br>";
>>> echo "<h1> PARKING LOT INFORMATION <h1>";
>>> echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='2'>";
>>> echo "<tr>\n
>>>      <th>Building</th>\n
>>>      <th>Parking Lot</th>\n
>>>      <th>Estimated Number of Empty Spaces</th>\n
>>>      <th>Distance (Feet)</th>\n
>>>      <th>Estimated walking time to the building</th>\n
>>>  </tr>\n";
>>> while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data))
>>>  {
>>>      extract($row);
>>> $building = $row[0];
>>>    $parking_lot = $row[1];
>>>    $Number_of_Empty_Spaces = $row[2];
>>>    $Distance = $row[3];
>>>    $time_l = $row[4];
>>>    $time_h=$row[5];
>>>    $location=$row[6];   echo "<tr>\n
>>>            <td>$building</td>\n
>>>            <td>$parking_lot</td>\n
>>> <td>$Number_of_Empty_Spaces</td>\n
>>>            <td>$Distance</td>\n
>>>            <td>$time_h - $time_l mins</td>\n
>>> <td>$location</td>\n
>>>            </tr>\n";
>>>  }
>>>  echo "</table>\n";
>>> header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
>>> imagejpeg(imagecreatefromjpeg("$location"));
>>> ?>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> Nathan Nobbe wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Sashikanth Gurram <sashi34u@xxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> The thing is, I do not have a website or a place where I am storing my
>>>>> images. I am storing the images on my local PC in folder as mentioned
>>>>> in
>>>>> my
>>>>> earlier post. I have tried using only the
>>>>> else {
>>>>> header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
>>>>> imagejpeg($img);
>>>>> imagedestroy($img);
>>>>> }
>>>>> Which you have suggested. This is the piece of code which is returning
>>>>> all
>>>>> the binary character stuff. The code is definitely fetching the image.
>>>>> But
>>>>> it is not able to deliver to the browser in the form of an image. I am
>>>>> trying to read the image file as binary, evident from the FILE_BINARY
>>>>> command. So may be, that is causing the image to be displayed as
>>>>> binary.
>>>>> Is
>>>>> there any way we can convert the binary content to jpeg/jpg content
>>>>> again.
>>>>> This is my guess after having gone through the code again.
>>>> i spent 2 minutes working on it and read this in the manual,
>>>> the first param of imagejpeg(),
>>>> An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such
>>>> as
>>>> imagecreatetruecolor()<>
>>>> .
>>>> so, then i tossed this together,
>>>> <?php
>>>> header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
>>>> imagejpeg(imagecreatefromjpeg('./phpLogo.jpeg'));
>> I see this one has already been solved, but I felt like I needed to
>> point this out: If you set the content type using header() to
>> "image/jpeg", do not use HTML tags to display your image! The expected
>> output is the actual binary data from the image, not an <img
>> src="asdf" /> tag. The OUTPUT of this script could be used in an IMG
>> tag elsewhere, perhaps, like so:
>> <html>
>> ...
>> <img src="myimagescript.php?id=1234" />

Somehow, you managed to completely ignore this line while reading my reply.

>> ...
>> </html>
>> Where "myimagescript.php" uses the Content-type header() and outputs
>> the binary JPEG data. If you were using PHP to build a javascript file
>> to be included, you wouldn't wrap it in <script> tags, either. Same
>> principle applies here.
> Yes, the problem was solved, but It did not work fine when I used the same
> code in my larger file. Now it makes sense. Let me just repeat what you have
> said just to make sure that I did not misread you.
> So you say that the solution to this problem is to create another php file
> with the image fetching header and just write an img tag  <img
> src="myimagescript.php?id=1234" /> in my original php file (with the html
> tags). This is what I have understood.
> Regarding the point you have mentioned ( If you set the content type using
> header() to "image/jpeg", do not use HTML tags to display your image!), I
> definitely need the HTML tags, because this application works based on the
> user input. So unless there is not input through a html form, it wont work.

Read my reply a bit more carefully. If you have a script whose purpose
is to output an image (not a link to an image, not the tag for an
image, but the actual data contained in the image file itself) then
you do not--IN THAT PARTICULAR SCRIPT--use HTML tags. Why? Because
they are not binary data, and they are not a part of the image!

If you want to display this image IN A WEB PAGE, A SCRIPT THAT IS
SEPARATE FROM YOUR IMAGE SCRIPT, then you would be just fine
referencing the image with <img> tags. It doesn't make any difference
if this web page is a form, has AJAX, chews gum and walks down the
street at the same time, etc.

// Todd

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