On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Sashikanth Gurram <sashi34u@xxxxxx> wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I am using a WAMP server for my coding purposes. My MySQL Version is > 5.0.51b, PHP version is 5.2.6 and Apache version is 2.2.8 > > I have created a database with one of the tables containing a location of > the image. Using PHP I am trying to retrieve the location of the image (from > the mysql db) and display it in a browser. I have, with help from php-db > mailing list user's help, created a code to do the same. Now, the problem > is, the code is extracting the location details of the image exactly and it > is even getting the image details. But it is simply not dispalying the > image. Instead of displaying the image, it is printing a hell lot of binary > characters (For example: 2! > !22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222ÿÀ ^ " ÿÄ > ÿĵ } !1A Qa "q 2 ‘¡ #B±Á RÑð$3br‚ > %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyzƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚáâãäåæçèéêñòóôõö÷øùúÿÄ > ÿĵ w !1 AQ aq "2 B‘¡±Á #3Rð brÑ > $4á%ñ &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤) > > I have tried in two forums and mailing lists but none of them have > completely answered my question. How do I get rid of these signs and display > the original image in its place? And to display the image successfully, is > it really necessary to create the image retrieval and displaying code in a > seperate PHP file? Any PHP gurus, enthusiasts, newbies out there, Please > help me out. > > I am posting the code below so that you can directly see what I have done > till now. The name of the php file is mysqli.php. The location of the image > is stored to the variable $location. The image retrieval code is present > towards end of the file. > > Thanks, > Sashi > > <html> > <body> > <form action="mysqli.php" method="post"> > <br> > <div align="center"> > Building Name:<select name="name"> > <option value=""> Select a Building</option> > <option value="Williams Hall">Williams Hall</option> > <option value="Women's Softball Field">Women's Softball Field</option> > <option value="Wright House">Wright House</option> > </select> > </div> > <input type="submit" /> > </form> > <?php > // Connects to your Database > $host="*******"; > $user="*******"; > $password="*******"; > $dbname="*******"; > $cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname) ; > if (!$cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname)) > { > $error=mysqli_error($cxn); > echo "$error"; > die(); > } > else > { > echo "Connection established successfully"; > } > //Define the variables for Day and Month > $Today=date("l"); > $Month=date("F"); > $build=$_POST["name"]; > $low_speed=2.5; > $high_speed=4; > $hour=date("G"); > $minute=date("i"); > if ($minute>=00 && $minute<=14) > { > $minute=00; > } > elseif ($minute>=15 && $minute<=29) > { > $minute=15; > } > elseif ($minute>=30 && $minute<=44) > { > $minute=30; > } > else > { > $minute=45; > } > $times="$hour:$minute"; > $sql="SELECT buildingname, parking_lot_name, empty_spaces, distance, > round(distance/($low_speed*60),1) AS low_time, > round(distance/($high_speed*60),1) AS high_time, Location FROM buildings, > buildings_lots, parkinglots, occupancy2, Image where > (buildings.buildingcode=occupancy2.building AND > buildings.buildingcode=buildings_lots.building_code AND > parkinglots.parking_lot_code=buildings_lots.parking_lot_code AND > parkinglots.parking_lot_code=occupancy2.parking_lot AND > Buildings.BuildingCode=Image.BuildingCode) AND buildingname='$build' AND > month='$Month' AND day='$Today' AND Time='$times'"; > $data = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql); > if (!$data=mysqli_query($cxn,$sql)) > { > $error=mysqli_error($cxn); > echo "$error"; > die(); > } > else > { > echo "<br>"; > echo "Query sent successfully"; > } > echo "<br>"; > echo "<h1> PARKING LOT INFORMATION <h1>"; > echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='2'>"; > echo "<tr>\n > <th>Building</th>\n > <th>Parking Lot</th>\n > <th>Estimated Number of Empty Spaces</th>\n > <th>Distance (Feet)</th>\n > <th>Estimated walking time to the building</th>\n > </tr>\n"; > while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data)) > { > extract($row); > $building = $row[0]; > $parking_lot = $row[1]; > $Number_of_Empty_Spaces = $row[2]; > $Distance = $row[3]; > $time_l = $row[4]; > $time_h=$row[5]; > $location=$row[6]; > echo "<tr>\n > <td>$building</td>\n > <td>$parking_lot</td>\n > <td>$Number_of_Empty_Spaces</td>\n > <td>$Distance</td>\n > <td>$time_h - $time_l mins</td>\n > <td>$location</td>\n > </tr>\n"; > } > echo "</table>\n"; > $err=1; > if ($img = file_get_contents("$location", FILE_BINARY)) > { > if ($img = imagecreatefromstring($img)) $err = 0; > } > if ($err) > { > header('Content-Type: text/html'); > echo '<html><body><p style="font-size:9px">Error getting > image...</p></body></html>'; > } > else > { > header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); > imagejpeg($img); > echo '<img src="mysqli.php?&img=' . $location . '" border="1" height="150" > width="200" alt="' . $build . '">'; > imagedestroy($img); > } > ?> > </body> > </html> how are you storing the image in the database? i believe youll want to make it a BLOB of some type. also, depending on the application, many folks prefer to just place images directly on the filesystem, then reference their location on the filesystem in the database. -nathan